Chapter 70: Pandora's truth - part 3

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I awoken to what is referred to as purgatory.  A bland and colorless landscape that beared bonfires of blue flames that dotted the landscape.

My only form of comfort in this place.....was memories of my husband.....the poem he used to charm me into marriage.....and the knowledge that he recieved a painless death.....

I was approached by a person shouded in shadow, for i couldn't see any features of him at all, no matter how hard i squinted.

"Greetings, i am here to help you." He spoke.

"Who are you and where am i? Am i in purgatory? Are you the guardian of this realm?" I asked.

"You're in the jar, the same cursed jar you opened. As for my position, i am not a guardian of any sorts, but an opportunity giver." He spoke.

"Opportunity giver?" I asked curiously.

"The ones that were behind this has indeed suffered, for the monsters were plotting on devouring your people didn't release hope, you released false hope. Your husband however....he is to be reborn soon....i can reunite you with him if you do one....simple....task for me." He asked.

"Am i making dealings with the devil himself?" I asked.

"Do you really care? I have no strings attached, no monkey's paw shenanigans, just a straight and narrow request." He said.

He had a silver tongue, he sounded convincing and honest.....what do i have to lose at this point?

"Very well, what is it?" I asked.

"Well, to traverse into the new age and into the living world period, you need a body to do so....something to contain your soul...." he said as he made a gesture to a large, long, rectangular box.

"So what is your proposal, specifically?"

"You inhabit this body and I'll take you to the time where your husband is reborn.....I'll even give you legions of monsters and demons under your command!" He shouted with arms spread wide.

I do not like the idea of utilizing demons.....
But it is a necessary evil to reunite with my love.....

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