Chapter 7: tale of pandora R

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The tale basically goes as follows, a young woman pandora lived in a village with her husband. She was deemed the first human woman and he the first human man. The villagers came soon after and populated it as the gods seen fit. However, tragedy would soon strike her and her people, so she sought the gods for aid. She was presented a jar, it contained the thing she needed to save her people. That very thing that was needed was none other than hope itself. However, it was a trick and it released untold evil and sin across the globe but, it did give her and her people hope for the future.

Demons and monsters would live among the humans, feasting and causing mischief in the populace. The humans eventually fought back and even hunted them for food and material. Other demons and monsters who were passive, would often aid humans and teach them things they never knew that were beneficial. In time, there was a trade system among the two and peace eventually returned. Until hard times fell, and the blame game was played.

Somehow, someway, pandora was accused of the opening of the jar. When her husband intervened to protect her, he was slain. This caused her to go into a frenzy and killed many of the people in the mob before being captured. She was imprisoned and tortured over a series of days, before being burned to ash the next day over the jar by the mob. Tales say her soul is still in the jar, and if it were to be opened, it would unleash her wrath unto the world.

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