Chapter 19: San VS Grimmer R

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I back dashed away from his swing, nearly avoiding it. This guy was crazy, I could see the wildness in his eyes, his normal inarian eyes went full on canine, and he was exposing his canine teeth in a menacing grin. He chuckle like a madman, getting into a fighting stance ready to lunge again. Judging by said stance, it was a CQC stance for grappling.

I shook some of the others to get them to snap out of the initial shock and focus. Some were still shaking however. There were five of us left, only two others willing to fight, the other two were too traumatized.

"Stay focused guys, that stance is a grapple. He'll try to snag you with his free hand and then quickly go for the kill...." I said in a whisper.

"We gotta get to the village and tell the elder or lady Tamono about Grimmer." said a trainee in a whisper.

"But how? That nut job will cut us down if we make a break for it! Look what he did to Gavin! He nearly sliced his head off!" Another said shakily.

There were five of us and one dead on the ground. We were in a semi huddled formation, facing off against a large, muscular, combat trained male. Its definitely an iffy situation. Though we outnumber him, one well placed punch and either one of us would die. Further more, he's already struck fear in us by proving his merciless ways.

He suddenly lunged at us, and we broke formation. He knew we'd break formation as soon as he did, he went for the slowest one, the one of the two that were scared for their life. Instead of diving to the side like we did, he jumped out of being startled and tried to run. This was his fatal mistake, as grimmer grabbed him by the head, shoved his knife right into his skull, and then withdrawing it in a savage motion....the teen would fall to the ground dead with blood splattering on the dirt from his wound.

The others shook in fear, I tried to remain calm but, it was hard. This man was killing us one after another....this was the first time I've ever seen real blood and gore....people dying....i only seen that stuff in movies and games....this is real and in my face. I seen that one man at the museum die before my very eyes, but he was a stranger.....these people grimmer were killing....I've trained by them and got to know them at least a little bit at hit much differently than the museum.

"Training... D.... Didn't prepare us for this!! " said one, screaming and running away.

Grimmer would smile and laugh as he pulled out a high tech, SMG looking gun and peppered the poor guy's backside with burning holes. He too, would fall over dead, blood seeping from his wounds.

"Stop this! You're killing your own people! Don't you care at all?!" I shouted at him.

He chuckled and then laughed.

"I told you, the weak will be killed off. I don't tolerate soldiers who run away or are too slow! Gotta be on your toes and alert! If your gonna die, die facing forward at least GAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA!!! " he said.

While laughing he came at us again. We were down to three, it was harder for him to hit us since we were smaller numbers.

During a lunge, I got a kick in, right in his stupid, ugly face. He recoiled in pain as the other two followed up, with a kick to the groin and gut. I would follow up with a powerful haymaker, right in his jaw.

However, the pain was catching up. My leg was burning from that kick, as if i kicked a wall, and my arm and fist started burning too, as if i punched said wall. This guy was fit and his muscles were like natural armor, it felt like our attacks didn't do much at all, and they probably didn't.

However, this small advantage went by fast. As he grabbed one of the boys by the leg and snapped it over his knee like a tree branch with a very loud and sickening snap. He screamed in pain as he held his leg on as grimmer dropped him on the ground.

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