chapter 75: fall of pandora part - 2

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The howling winds filled my ears as i fell. I was helpless and couldn't fly, double jump, or anything I've seen in comics or video games. This was real, and i have no way of saving myself.

To die like this without accomplishing my end sucks ass.

I was about to channel what i had left into forming an armor sorta thing around my body as a last ditch effort to lessen the injuries so that i might can survive, knowing well it wouldn't help, but i was cut off by a pair of arms catching me mid air. I looked to see teguma carrying me.

"Worry not sir san! I am here!" He said to me.

Hikaru would peek over his shoulder and wave at me.

"Hikaru too??" I exclaimed, wincing in pain.

"Your backside is covered in glass and debris, worry not though, Sailor Mercury will get those pesky things out of your flesh!" He said confidently.

"Big brother was so brave!....but a big dummy too!" Hikaru said, pouting.

I looked to the side and sighed.

"Yeah yeah, i know....i probably have an ass chewing when i land too..." i said.

"What on earth happened in there, young captain??" He asked as we grew closer to landing on the ground.

I would explain everything that happened. Pandora's strength, speed, reflexes, her transformation, even her unnatural blood color. I told him the nonsense she spouted and her realization about everything.

"So, i think she's a puppet herself. She might be tied to that mystery man in a bad way. He might have tricked her to achieve some sort of goal....but what could one gain from all this??" I asked hypothetically.

"This all worries me, captain..." teguma said with worry.

As we got close, Sailors Mercury, Saturn, and Inari was there to greet us.

"Is he alright??" Asked sis.

"He's fine, aside the glass and debris in his backside." Teguma said, laying me carefully on my stomach.

Mercury sat a rather expensive looking first aid kit on the ground and opened it. She would get some tools out and began to pluck the glass and stuff off my back. It wasn't pleasant at all, but had to be done to heal myself without having that crap fused to my body.

I turned my head and seen everyone fighting, with teguma and hikaru joining in. The mass of tentrils grew before covering the upper half of the tower. What was it doing?

"All done!" Mercury said, closing her first aid kit.

I channeled my aura to my back and healed up the gashes and cuts.

"Thanks doc!" I said, before being met with a slap to my face.

"Don't do something so stupid again!" She said with a huff.

"Ssss....yeah....i deserved that." I said rubbing my cheek.

"Foolish big brother!" Hikaru said, puffing out her cheeks.

Suddenly, there was loud sound of wind and demonic howling. The demons would stop attacking and began to howl in the direction of the purple mass above. They would all begin to float, then shoot up to the mass, merging with it.

"That doesn't look okay at all!" Sven said, staring at the event going on.

"Naaaah that's just a dandy sight sven!" I said sarcastically.

The mass would quickly begin to morph and take shape.


Tamono, Sven, and everyone else would quickly run to our position as the mass transformed.

"The hell...?" Kat uttered.

"Foolish son! What did you do?" Mom shouted.

"Is everyone gonna call me a fool today?? You're like, the third person that's called me that!" I shouted back.

"Yes! We are!" Everyone said in unison.

"Wait, why are you calling me a fool?? You enabled me!" I pointed at kyubi.

Her eyes opened wide in realization, before winking and sticking her tongue out, like she's innocent.

"Oh, you cop out...." i said with a growl.

When the mass was done, it was a towering beast the size of tokyo tower. It had pitch black flesh that writhed and wriggled unnaturally, long slender limbs with thin fingers and toes that resembled blades rather than digits. Her upside-down semi-triangular head had a wide maw with jagged, knarled teeth that seemed to be a cacophony of different teeth that seemed to be from different demons. On her head was a crown of snake-like tendrils with white tips, that wriggled around like a bunch of worms.

She opened her mouth and i seen a bright light emit from the back of it.

"Hit the dirt!" I yelled to everyone.

Everyone immediately dived for cover as she charged up an attack and fired a beam at us. Thankfully, it whizzed over us and hit a nearby park, creating a flash of light that quickly vanished, leaving nothing, but a crater where the park was.

"Wow, it completely erased it...." mars said.

"This is that....thing's power." Uranus uttered.

"How do you beat something like that?" Asked jupiter.

"With teamwork and cooperation. We can't always count on the queen to defeat our foes. We are the ones that must defend the kingdom and the people the royal family loves!" Exclaimed venus, standing up.

"Couldn't have said it any better..." i said as i stood up.

"Captain..." teguma said.

"I'm sick and tired of being tossed around like a rag doll....i want to finish this!" I shouted.

"What's your orders then?" Moro said with a smirk.

"Yes, your orders venus?" Mercury said.

Saturn and pluto would look to uranus for guidance.

"We take out its legs, then knock it down!" We all three said at once.

This is it....
The true final bout.....
Its time to end this, now!

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