chapter 66: the plan of war

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As i left my room to go join the meeting i was just notified of by a patrolling guard, a short, blue haired girl that had an air of coolness about her, literally, ran up to me, clip clopping along the way in her old style japanese sandals....i forget what they're called.

She had a face of distress and guilt. She would remain silent for a moment.

"Uhm....can....can i help yo-"


It took me aback, leading to more awkward silence.

She looked at me silently, with longing eyes, begging for a reply.

"Uhm....maybe, in a comprehensive sentence?"

"Oh....oh I'm so sorry! I got too worked up! Ahem.....your mother adopted me, which makes me yours and your sister's baby sister. However, it's my fault that she's in the condition she's in! Please big brother! Let me fight by your side!" She insisted.

"Mkay, first of all.....who the hell are you?!"

Silence again.....

"I am so sorry!! Please forgive my rudeness big brother! I am a terrible little sister!! I...iiiii-" she said as she was flailing around and on the verge of crying.

Now i felt bad for getting her worked up like this. I was kinda an ass towards her.....I guess the stress is making me a bit salty.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"I'm San, what's your name?" I asked kindly.

"H-hikaru.....i have a handsome big brother! Don't worry, I'll freeze any hussies that bother you!" She said with a smile, doing a finger pistol gesture and going pew pew pew adorably.

I chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"I think we're gonna get along just fine." I said confidently.

She gave me a smile as we walked down the hallway to the meeting room.

She explained everything that happened along the way and about the rune casted on her.

"You didn't know you had powers, it's not your fault."

"I know big brother, i still feel bad though...."

"Ya know what you do now?"


"Learn how to control them and become better!"

She nodded and smiled.

I would open the door to the meeting room and was greeted with nealry everyone being in attendance and sitting at the table.

"Hello there San! Who is this?" Venus said, gesturing towards hikaru.

"Hikaru, she's my new sister!" I said with a smile.

"You mean foster sister." Uranus said flatly.

"We don't use the word 'foster' in our family. It takes away the family aspect....sorta .....thing.....yeah, mom explains it better." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

Mom and sis never called me a foster son or foster brother. It left a bad taste in the mouth and feels excluding.

"I see, you know she was a general right? A yuuki onna to be precise." Said pluto.

"Oh really? Huh. I have a literal cool lil sis!" I said with a chuckle.

The whole room groaned.

"Can we please focus??" scoffed the princess.

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