Chapter 36: a witch's scolding

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Upon arriving where kuchisake-onna was revived, i would come across the destruction in her reviving wake. A third of the school was carved out, as if by a scoop of sorts. There, in the depths of the crater, was her, unconscious, but breathing.

I would use my magic to float down to her, not daring to climb down in this dress, for it would tear. Not only that, climbing down regardless, is something a fool would do, with all these jagged edges and rebarb sticking out of the concrete.

Once i got close, i would wave my staff, channel my mana, and casted a lesser awakening spell on her. Her body would faintly glow, before she would open her eyes and arise, looking around, then to me.

"Lady nether?? What happened??" She asked

"You died and are back to life....." i said with a steady glare.

She would catch my glare and trembled. She knew i could easily bring her here and can easily return her to hell.

"Do you know why i am here?" I asked.


I would set her ablaze with a lesser ignition spell of flame. She would writhe and scream in agony, before i would cast a lesser water spell to douse her and cast a lesser healing spell to heal her wounds.

"Was that something i or lady Pandora order you to do?" I said, squatting close to her as she struggled to get up.

"No....lady nether." She muttered.

"So you go against orders, due to you letting the target get the better of you and letting rage take hold." I said, staring her down.

"Please forgive me lady nether...." she muttered.

"Let me tell you the pecking order here.....if pandora comes down on me, i come down on you. When she punishes me, you, kuchisake-onna, can bet your bottom dollar that i will hunt you down and make you beg for mercy.....i can kill you, revive you, and kill you again, over and over in the most agonizing ways if you make me look bad. If not me, then lady pandora herself! Do you understand??" I said sternly.

She would nod in defeat and fear.

This was mostly a bluff, i can't revive demons over and over on without casting the runic spell repeatedly and exhausting my mana reserves. If i had to, I'd ask lady Pandora to do it, due to her being more powerful than me. Then I'd act like i done it, with her grace's approval, to keep the act and fear going.

"Alright, i shall cast a new revival spell rune on you. This one will be far less....erm....destructive." i said, opening my grimoire and casting the spell.

"What was wrong with the old one, pray tell?" Asked the kuchisake-onna.

"She didn't like the destructive bit, she almost had my neck when i told her about it. Apparently, having a nuke spell on revival is not ideal when trying to kidnap a certain young man." I explained, finishing the final touches of the rune.

"Ya know.....her description and drawing of the target was way off from the actual thing." She said, pulling out the drawing and a photo she managed to print off from some security camera footage. How she managed to do that, i have no clue.

"He might have shaven..." i said, comparing the two.

Dear god this is extraordinarily off! The drawing was of a roman man in a tunic, beard, tall, fit, and had a mustache. His hair was messy, but at least brushed down a bit. The man in the photo was shorter, had spikey hair like from these "manga" characters I've seen littered about, wore modern attire, and had no beard or mustache in the slightest! Furthermore, he is rather slim with maybe a little muscle there, but not much! How did she lose to this twig?!

"Tell did you manage to lose to this mere mortal?" I asked.

"He has strange powers and was not alone. The man had powers to manipulate spiritual energies of sorts that radiate heat. Gave him supernatural strength, speed, reflexes, and so on." She said.

Fascinating, he has these powers? I want to run an experiment on him, but lady Pandora would punish me severely.

"And his company?" I asked.

"A dark skinned young man with an unusual spear of lightning! It looked mechanical and high tech. Don't know where he gained one or how."

High tech spear? Another fascinating discovery!

"There was a younger man, had features like that of a cat. Cat ears, a tail, and had feline-like claws! He would duck in and out of shadows and seemed to become one with them!"

I have never heard of the like. Could this one be a fantasy creature brought to life by the veil? No, he would be immediately under lady Pandora's control......unless he was given a name and befriended somehow. Possibly something extraterrestrial.....

"Finally, a little girl. She had features like that of a wasp or bee, with thorax, stinger, wings, and antenna. Said features seemed armored with some sort of carapace. When she stung me, when my guard was down, her venom melted my flesh and i felt agonizing pain and that's putting it lightly. It quickly finished me off, but during the time i was alive, it was horrible!"

Yet another creature that sounds out of this world. I though the young man from before was a neko, but everything sounds so otherworldly. Now we have a young girl that sounds like an half insect, half human! Did some extraterrestrial creatures crash land here all at once? The better theory is that the cat man and the bug girl is somehow related, but they're completely different! What is going on?? I feel like my heads going to explode!

"Miss nether? Are you alright?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh, yes yes I'm fine! Just go and find the man pandora wants! I need some time to rack my brain." I said, sitting on some rubble, only for it to crumble and i fly back and land on my backside.

"Miss nether! Are you oka-"


she jumped and fled immediately.

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