Chapter 27: Tomono VS Pluto -R

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Sanny..... He was just blown away by those.... Those... Wenches! He told them the truth and they called him a liar! I'll make them bleed and scream for forgiveness! I've already lost too much..... My husband.... My still born son..... I was given san for my hard work as a priestess by the gods.... I will not lose him or my daughter!!

I stood there, staring down this, sailor pluto hussy. Had she not have been the enemy, she would have been an ideal mate for my son. Tall, beautiful, and strong.....a woman that would be at his corner in the ring as they say.

But.....looking at her now, makes my blood absolutely boil!! No wonder my daughter has a temper, she got it from me!! Damn proud of it too!!

I went for pluto, she was wide open for a strike! I drew my blade and swung for armor, ready to slice through and cause some injury. However, she somehow sensed me and quickly blocked my attack.

"You.... Look like katsumi..... Are you related to her?" She asked.

"Sorry, im off duty, so right now, i don't talk to the dead! " I said as I put all my strength into the blade, pushing her away.

I jumped back and got into a defensive stance, readying the Raijin katana. The katana utilizes my spiritual energies to use the Raiju dragon arts, a powerful art that uses lightning to destroy the opponents with a painful and devastating shock. The bigger the attack, the more draining it is on my stamina, so if i want to win this fight, with what i assume to be a veteran warrior, i must carefully guage my attacks so i won't wear myself out mid fight.

"Listen, if you're sailor inari's relative, I don't wanna fight you! " she said.

"You already started this fight when you attacked my son after calling him a liar and attacking him! You ruthless huntresses! You will pay dearly, horns of the lightning dragon!" I shouted as i quickly drew my sword and stabbed the air twice, sending two bolts simultaneously at pluto.

She leapt in the air and whispered "death scream". Next thing I knew, she sent a ball of bright, yellowish energy at me. I couldn't dodge it in time so I charged my sword with energy and attempted to cut it. However, it wasn't the wisest of move. The blast got me and I was sent tumbling to the edge of the rooftop. Using my sword as a crutch, I plunged it in the ground and got to my feet.

"What do you mean son? The man that Uranus attacked? " she said.

"Yes, he's my son!"

"Adopted i presume?" She asked.

"I don't consider him adopted, i consider him blood!" I shouted.

I then charged at her and clashed with her rod as soon as she was on the ground. It's so strange though, my katana can cut through virtually any material like a hot knife through butter, but it won't with this rod of hers. The edge is super heated with the temperature like that of a lightning bolt, so anything metallic should at least melt on contact! Perhaps made of an unknown material, probably magical.

She pushed me back and we clashed over and over. My katana and her rod clanking and sending sparks everywhere. She was experienced in combat like me, I could tell. However, she didn't see the next move I was about to pull that catches just about everyone off guard, I call it the "lightning dragon stance".

Right when she was about to swipe at me, I stepped back and leaned closed to the floor on my back leg. I then used the bend as a means to spring back into stance. During the spring up, I slash at her chest with all my might, sending her tumbling and covered in electricity.

I was at the end of my rope, I was becoming tired. I haven't seen combat in years. I've lost my touch quite a bit.

To my surprise, she got back up, dusting herself off. I spotted a deep cut on her chest armor. I thought it was just part of the dress but no, it's armor! Uggh how stupid of me!

"I'm sorry but, I can't let you stand in my way! " she said charging up another attack.

I sheathed my blade, ready to unleash my last ditch effort attck, until someone jumped in between us.

"LEAVE MY MOM ALONE!! " she said.

I know that voice..... My.... My baby girl! Katsumi!

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