chapter 32: where is my brother??

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"Your majesty, queen serenity, please forgive me for my hasty actions and how foolish I've acted!" Said Rei as she knelt before me in private.

"You're forgiven, but that's not why i called you here Rei." I said, looking out the window.

She looked up at me in confusion, before standing up and regaining her composure, looking outside as well.

"Its getting bad out there, your highness...." she finally said.

"Agreed, it is.....however, there is a glimmer of light out there. That light, is the one i seen in my vision. A lead knight that's strong and true, that will form a group of the strongest band of knights in our system's history, and vanquish a threat far greater than what we have here." I said.

"A far greater threat??" Rei said in surprise.

"That's right, something we alone cannot handle. Something far stronger than we've ever faced before. That something though, is shrouded in mystery. Not even Artemis, Luna, or Beryl can see. Like a coiled serpent, hidden in the brush, waiting to strike at a moment's notice." I said, solemnly.

"What can this individual make as a difference?? We're powerful enough! You're stronger than us, even your daughter is! Not only that, we have our eternal forms too! Why do we need more help??" Rei exclaimed.

I calmly looked at her and smiled.

"I have no power anymore, its been passed onto my daughter now." I stated.

She was shocked at the revelation.

"But....the silver crystal!"

"Its hers now."

"But, she's still in training!"

"I know that, but i hold high faith in her."

Rei would look to the side in frustration.

"Its fine Rei, she's come of age when she's ready. This trial happening as of now will give her the confidence she needs to prosper as a future queen and senshi. Minako has taught her well, she did train her and Katsumi after all at the same time and both are now great senshi." I stated.

Katsumi, Sailor Inari. She's a bit of a hot-head and has an attitude about her, but her nature is more on the kind and sweet side when it comes to treating and saving civilians. She can be quit reckless and foul mouthed, but she rivals Haruka in swordsmanship now and is the most acrobatic senshi we have. She's also an inarian, which comes with fox-like abilities and other perks as well, making her a very versatile senshi.

My daughter Usagi, she's a spitting image of me, so I've been told. She's a bit bratty and boy crazy, but when it comes to being a senshi, she's very talented. She carries the name "Sailor Moon" now and also has the power of the silver crystal now. Under Minako's training, she has become an exceedingly powerful senshi with quite a bit of potential to fill. Though she is powerful, she hasn't quite mastered it. She cries like me sometimes, but she mostly has a level head like her father. However, as of late, she's been rather angry and bitter. Something about Helios abandoning her, as she puts it. I know he wouldn't do anything like that, but its strange that we haven't heard from him in a very long time. I do hope he's okay.

"I hope Haruka didn't kill this knight you were hoping for, your highness." Rei said with a genuinely worried tone.

"He's out there still. I can still feel the light from him." I stated.

"Whoa, he's alive after taking that kind of blow from Haruka?! I was told she used her 'world shaking' move on him! If he took that kinda blow and walked away.....that means he must be incredible!" Rei said astonished.

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