Chapter 24: Warrior Priestess and The Tengu -R

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Mom helped us find a secluded location so we can do first aid. We would settle with small house that was attacked here recently. Thankfully, the resident's bodies weren't in the the household itself, though i mean, i hope they retreated to a safer location and made it out alive......however, that hope might just be a dim flame at this point. It's roof was halfway caved in, but sturdy enough to stay over our heads, as if it couldn't fall in any further if it wanted to. The house was, of course, a mess with debris and dust all over the place, and the house seemingly ransacked by either demons or monsters, if not thieves and burglars. Nonetheless, it felt safer in here, than out there.

Sailor Mars was unconscious in some rubble where mom jack-slapped her earlier, but as we ran away, some senshi swooped in and rushed to her aid thankfully. I would have felt very bad if some demons got a hold of her while we fled. Doubly thankful that the senshi didn't see us either, which would have been bad since me and Sven were already spent from dealing with Sailor Mars already. Had she been trained in hand to hand combat, she could have snapped my knees inward with a swift elbow drop if she wanted to.

While we were in the rundown house, mom would tend to our burns, cuts, scrapes and such. With Sven, leaning on the wall nearby and peering through the curtains for demons or senshi. I was laying on a dirty couch while mom tended to me, rather babying me in the process. Though I took more hits than Sven did, my injuries were rather minor, though I could have sworn I was burned by the snake attack and a few fireballs.

"There.... Feeling better? " she said as she applied aloe vera on my wounds and wrapped them.

"Yeah.....geez senshi are tough-wait..... You didn't kill her did you? " I asked, worried.

"Why would I kill the girls you idolize?.... Though I... Don't care for their short skirts.... That hussy, she probably flashed you during the fight to distract you! " she said sternly.

"Mooooom....." I said with a groan.

"Ey, I caught a glimpse or two, I'm not scared to admit. " sven said.

"Perv....." I said.

"And? I'mma demon.... Does it look like I care? " he said.

"true...true...." I said.

"I bet that was the case.... That's what I used to attract your father.... " said mom.

"TMI mom.... " I said.

".......that's pretty hot. " said sven.

I threw a can at his head and it bounced off.

"Ow.... "

"That's my mom dude! "

"So? Does it look-"

"I know I know! "

An awkward pause filled the room.

"I appreciate the compliment Sven.... But no.... " she said.

"ah the way San, you weren't missing much in the upskirt department." Sven said.

"why's that?" i asked.

"its a leotard, meaning it all one piece, no panties or anything. It's basically a combat leotard, with the bust being, panty shots be null and void dude." he said.

"all these was all a lie...." i said in shock.

"are you seriously having a mid-life crisis over it??" he said with a raised brow.

"you don't understand...all the times I looked up the statue's skirts, the comic books, the anime adaptation of their lives, THE PANTIES WERE A LIE!!" i said with some tears forming.

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