chapter 43: my forgotten heritage

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After i rested up, the best i could, i found myself up before the others. I tended to do that, i was a restless individual that can't sleep too well. I decided to step out and roam the halls, maybe find a lounge with a snack machine.

The halls were rather huge and long, that seemingly stretch for a mile, which is definitely an over exaggeration.

Eventually, i came across a medium sized room with a few large tables, cabinets, a couple refrigerators, coffee machine, and a microwave. It also had a medium sofa that looked comfortable and inviting. This was definitely the lounge for staff or whoever. It did have a couple vending machines, but i had no idea what to get or drink, everything looked weird and bizzare to me.

At one of the tables, was my mother, sipping on some coffee and doing a crossword puzzle. She looked at me and gestured me over, to which i did and sat down.

"Son....i was told you were having troubles with the demons and struggling against them." She said, sipping her coffee.

"Yes, but i mean....they're demons. They're vicious beasts mom." I said plainly.

"You forget your heritage and wisdom, my son." She said, setting down the cup.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She, without saying a word, grabbed a napkin and started drawing something on it. After a moment, she presented it to me.

"Does this look familiar, son?" She asked.

I examined it and recognized it.

"Its an talisman." I answered.

"And...." she said.

"A sutra written on them." I replied.

" aren't you carrying them?" She asked plainly.

"I just....ahhhh....forgot?" I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

She shot me a look with a raised brow.

"Oh come on mom! Like i need to carry em around all the time?!" I exclaimed.

"Apparently, since...." she pointed out the window. "Case and point."

"Fair enough, but i am not an exorcist, monk, or whatever! I'm just an ordinary guy!" I protested.

She inhaled, then exhaled. This triggered me to immediately brace myself for the worst.

"'re beyond ordinary. Even as a little boy, i seen you as nothing short of a miracle and a blessing. You came to us when we prayed for a son, almost immediately. Everyone assumed you to be a demigod of sorts, because of how you suddenly came to us! You are a gifted monk and talented in the arts i taught fought demons left and right, fought and defeated grimmer, who is several times your size, and have survived this ordeal thus far! Son....
You are gifted. Me and your sister have had this talk and I'm telling you the same.....don't sell yourself short dear." Mom said in a loving way that almost made me cry.

"Oh mom...." i said in response.

A woman with long black hair walked by, stopped, and looked at the talisman on the table.

"Is that a talisman?" She asked.

"Who are you?" Asked mom.

"Mom, its sailor mars in casual wear of course." I pointed out.

Mars rose a brow.

" did you know?" She asked.

"I mean....its just an outfit swap." I said bluntly.

"Nnnnnoooo its more complicated than that, San. When we transform into sailor senshi, we have an magical aura that cloaks ourselves so our identities aren't exposed or seen through that?." She asked, genuinely astonished.

"Uhm....yeah?" I said, weirded out by the revelation.

Her and my mother exchanged looks before looking at me.

"You're.....not normal at all....not only do you have super powers, but you can see through our auras. What can't you do??" Mars said with her arms crossed and smiling.

"Apparently, not use what i taught him!" Mom said as she lightly whacked me upside the head with a talisman.

"Lemme see that..." mars said, taking one of the talismans and examining it.

There was a brief pause.

"Such penmanship and articulate style! Which one of you made this?" Mars exclaimed.

"That would be me, miss mars." Mom said with a smile and her tails swayed.

"Call me Rei Hino, miss tamono! I'm a shrine maiden and i haven't seen such skill like this!" Rei stated.

"I've had years of experience and tend to shrines on the daily. My son here, knows everything i know, which is why i got crossed with him when i heard he struggled with a demon, when he knows how to battle evil spirits, purify, and so on." Mom said, trying to be modest.

She looked at me, then mom.

"Pardon me but....him??" Rei said, baffled.

"Though my son is a bit of a ah.... doofus. He is quite educated and a very capable monk. Draw a talisman for her, son." Mom said, giving me a pen and napkin.

I groaned as i drew a talisman of binding, though it has no effect on a mere napkin. I then shown it to Rei and....her eyes grew twice their size basically.

"" she spouted.

"My son is single and is willing to have many chil-" mom said before i cut her off .

"Mom!" I said.

"What? You are on the market for a mate, dear." Mom said with a smirk.

I swear, if i don't watch her for a minute, she tries to hook me up with people!

"Hm?" Rei said, snapping to and looking at us. Apparently, she was absorbed in the revelation at hand that she didn't hear mom......thank god.

"I take it you're a priestess?" I asked.

"Yes, indeed! I inherited a large shrine that i used to tend to with my grandpa, before he passed away. He was always causing trouble, but he was great at his craft." Rei said with a smile.

"Oh? What style? I heard some priestesses are devoted to certain elements." I said.

"Fire. I utilize fire rituals primarily. Goes with my senshi element too!" Rei said with a smile.

You can tell she was absolutely loving the conversation. This is definitely up her alley, as they say.

"I'm....I'm sorry for the mess i caused. You're a great guy after all.... i just.... i misread a vision i had and-" rei said as mom motioned for her to stop.

"Even the experienced of shrine maidens can make mistakes. Some visions just aren't clear enough so its very understandable. To apologize for your actions is more than enough not beat yourself up over this error. We forgive you." Mom stated plainly, before finishing with a smile.

The two would conversate about this and that as i started to see a relationship start to grow. They got along fast for my mom back handing her and sending her flying just yesterday.

I would find myself dozing off, so i excused myself from the table, before going back to my room to catch a few more hours of sleep, before we head out again.

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