chapter 63: the onyx witch

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I, the onyx witch, aka Kyubi the magnificent, am a jack of all trades witch! I have a license to be a psychiatrist, alchemist, pharmacist, doctor, magician, and devil tamer, but sometimes i feel as though that that last one there will come back to bite me on the ass one day.....but not any time soooon! My biological identity is that of a female inarian, twenty seven years old, and have an "other half" that is an ancient witch spirit, that used to be the enemy of the inarians, the onyx witch.

All that remains of her, is her lingering will towards curiosity and expansion into other skills. She was evil, doing taboo arts and trying to bewitch men to her house, and was sadly killed via firing squad back when planet inari was inhabitable, but casted a spell on herself at the last second to keep her soul as a lingering spirit and eventually found me.

As for me, I'm not from this dimension, I'm actually from another. See, in that other dimension....i was a boy, laden with a cancerous disease at a very young age. I always had wondered that, if i was born different, then maybe i wouldn't be sickly and could live freely. My "parents" would rarely visit and would claim to either be busy or simply unable to. I later found out that i had a sibling that was born nine months after my hospitalization. I would then feel like i was a failure and was a broken doll that was shelved.

I would pray to whoever, that if something where to happen to me, that i would be reborn, somewhere else, somewhere....magical, and where i wasn't sick.

One night, the TV turned on by itself and my heart monitor started beating fast. Time seemed to slow down and grow darker as i reached out to the TV for some unknown reason. I then heard a loud, droning beep as i then fell was clear that even the doctors didn't even care about me.

I then would wake up on another planet of fox people called inarians. I found myself to be reborn as an inarian baby girl, but somehow remembered everything. My name was given to me, Kyubi Snow. I was seen as a very intelligent girl and was taught almost everything i knew at a very young age.

However, i would encounter the spirit of the witch when i was out doing bug hunting in a nearby open area....the same area as where she was executed, unbeknownst to me. She was a benevolent soul that only wished to learn more about magic and the arcane arts, however, she lacked a body. I would forge a pact with her, she can share my body without possession, we, together, could strive for further knowledge as one. She would agree to these terms and became a team almost instantly.

However, though we agreed to share the same body, she does serve as the alter ego. When she comes out in my time of peril or when i need her strength, my fingernails become black, and the whites in my eyes turn black as well. I've only had to utilize this state a few times, because in most cases i can fair on my own.

Her magic of choice is the onyx geometra magic. As the name implies, it's dense, geometric onyx crystals that can manipulated as she pleases and there doesn't seem to be a size limit either. I've seen her make magnificent pieces with her magic before....

When the dark veil appeared, i was in my studies in my new home on planet earth, having followed our nomadic tribe since our arrival, serving as doctor of the tribe.

I would overhear stories about demons dwelling in the veil and decided to go on a demon catching spree. I would go in, incapacitate one and tried to drag it back, but it turned to mist as soon as i passed the veil. I would decide to extract the essence of the veil for further studies and eventually synthesize it into a workable enchanting force.

Deciding to use a flip phone i rarely use that had the flash feature, i enchanted it into a demon catching device. The flash function both served as a means of catching and summoning. I can only summon up to four demons at once and i can command them with the menu on screen. There are a total of four basic commands i can issue and two special, all by pressing the numbers one through six.

I started off catching lesser demons before finding demon generals that were already beaten black and blue, so catching them was cakewalk!

My devil taming excursion would eventually lead me to a mansion that is locally said to be very haunted and a haunting sight it was. Covered in wires and masses all over it.

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