Chapter 44: resolve and determination

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Once i woke up, i hit the ground running.

I started with some simple stretches and exercises to prep myself up for the day, brushed my teeth, hygiened up, and went to Rei for some talisman paper, to which she generously gave me with no issue.

I spent a good thirty or so minutes, making talismans.

I made binding, purification, protection, and void talismans. Void is a Mom special, she made these from scratch. They basically absorb demonic and evil energies that are in the form of attacks. Its sorta like a protection talisman, but it feeds off the energy of dark spirits and makes it into nothing, instead of repelling.

For hand gestures and rites? Well....i had completely forgotten em all and like hell was i gonna tell mom. She'll chew me out up and down for weeks.

I slipped the talismans, about ten or so each making it around forty or so, in my pockets....albiet unorganized, but I'll worry about that later.

I would then go to the main hall where we were gathered yesterday to which, sure enough, would walk in on a meeting with everyone.

"Hey, I'm ready to go! Sorry for the wait!" I said, joining up with my group.

"Errr ready to go where?" Said uranus.

"Ya know, go out and fight the enemy!" I said.

She and the senshi exchanged glances along with the king, queen, and princess.

"Youuuurrrr not coming." Said uranus.

"Yyyes i am."

"No, you're not."


"Haaa....your highness, please explain it to him, if you don't mind."

The king would clear his throat.

"I'm sorry San,'re just a civilian. All of you are. We can't risk our people getting hurt or killed. Sorry, but you must remain here where it's safe." Endymion explained.

"That's not good enough!" I practically shouted.

"Hey! You don't talk to daddy like that!" The princess shouted back.

"Saaaan, you're gonna get us executed!" Moro said, nudging me.

"No, i started this mess and i set out with a goal to fix it and nobody is gonna stop me or take that from me!" I shouted.

"San! Quit being a stubborn idiot and listen to him!" Sis said.

"Listen to your sister and the king!" Mom chimed.

"No! I'm gonna defeat Pandora no matter what it takes! She's after me, after all!" I shouted.

There was an uneasy quietness in the air. I don't care if the senshi wanted to clobber me on the spot, I'm determined to fight for what i done.

The king would stroke his chin for a moment as he looked at his wife, exchanging quiet words to each other that i couldn't hear.

The two would stand up and make a gesture for the senshi to move to the side, to which they did, and for me to walk forward.

Not gonna lie, my heart raced as soon as the situation finally sunk, right after the anger and adrenaline wore off.

I cautiously walked up to them, shivering to the core.

"Are you absolutely sure you wish to do this endeavor? You'll be up against ridiculous and near impossible odds, you realize this right?" The queen spoke.

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