chapter 69: Pandora's truth - part 2

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Years have passed on since that day.....

The monsters and beasts birthed from the jar would populate and breed around our region.

Though most were dangerous, there were some that could be tamed and produce milk, as well as butchered for meat. Some were intelligent and would educate us on the various monsters and even hunt with us for pelts, meats, claws, and so forth.

It would seem that hope did come for our village and it did, indeed, prosper and grow, with many coming from across the lands for our exotic food, drink, and craft.

Me and my husband couldn't be any happier as, we too, have had a blessing from the gods in the form of a rather large house with two servants.

Later in the summer however, whispers would travel among the villagers and people started to act strangely around me.

One day at the market, i was looking at some of the bounties of the summer harvest and some of the villagers had formed a mob in secret and approached me in the middle of the market.

"Miss pandora, in order to keep our bounties abundant and our village alive, we have been told by the gods that a sacrifice must be are that sacrifice, since you are the opener of the jar!" The leader said.

As soon as he said that, his group would ready their spears and swords.

Epimetheus would run out in front of me to defend me.

"No! This is wrong! You're listening to the tongues of the wicked ones!!" He shouted.

He would suddenly clutch his stomach and yell in pain. He would then fall to the ground with a pitchfork in his stomach and blood pooling around him. He was dead within an instant.

I cried out for him and ran to his body, shaking him and begging him to wake up....but alas, life had already left his chest...

I feared for my life as i was met with hands and arms grabbing me from behind and putting me in a hold as i was dragged into the thorny woods where i found the jar.

I was bound to a stake and the jar underneath me. The villagers would set the wood alight and fire quickly spread.

At first i was overcome with pain and agony......then rage and spite.

"I curse you all involved in this and anyone that supported you!! With these words and on my death, you will suffer greatly and lose greatly as you backstabbers, traitors have inflicted upon me!! I pray to the gods you suffer!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Then.....i was consumed by the flames....
And after i felt the last bit of agony......
There was only darkness......

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