Chapter 35: disruption in plans

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Nether would be looking outside in a particular direction. I would follow her gaze as well, feeling something was wrong.

One of the generals has been killed.

"What now, miss nether? One of the generals has fallen." I said.

"Fear not, lady pandora, for i have concocted a self-done ritual to remedy such an event!" Nether said confidentiality.

"Oh?" I said with a raised brow.

"Basically put, the demon general, if they would ever fall in battle, will be resurrected after a few short minutes to tip top health and condition! During resurrection, they unleash an implosion, that draws the near environment into itself and then explodes! Anyone with the strength to kill one will be in for a rude awakening if they think they can let their guard down!" Nether explained with pride.

I raised a brow, inhaled, then exhaled in response. My temper was boiling up again....

"And what if my beloved was one of the ones to do so? Do you have a means of stopping it?" I asked plainly.

Her face fell a bit when i asked that question. As i figured, she did not, as a matter of fact, think about that at all. All she was focused on, was impressing me and flaunting her magical prowess.

This does not please me at all. In fact, this could be a detriment to everything I'm working towards.

"I-i-i'm sorry your grace! I shall gather all the generals and dispell the enchantment!" She said, sweating bullets.

"Good, now let's discuss how the new ritual will work...." i said with a sigh.

"Right! Ahem....the new enchantment will work the same, minus the explosive, destructive nature. On revival, they regenerate to peak condition at the cost of mentality and control." She explained.

"Why not make it without flaw? No downsides or destruction." I asked.

"My lady, the way that enchantments work is that you can make it however you wish, however, you must have a denominator factor to it. At least, with the stronger ones. The lesser do not require these demands." She explained.

"And what of these lesser?" I asked.

"These can be minor boosts to power, speed, etc. They only cost some magic power to apply." She explained.

I would turn and walk to the window, overlooking Tokyo.

"She gave into bloodlust and tried to kill him. Furthermore, she almost did, by fatally wounding him." I said without emotion.

"Yes, that is upsetting behavior. Fear not, when she wakes up, i will send her the message of your wrath and punish her." Nether said.

I turned and looked at her with a serious expression.

"I warn you, you better get these generals of yours under control and following your every command,'ll die again, but this time, i can plunge your soul to the void. A fate worse than hell I'd imagine." I said coldly.

She trembled a bit before coming to and nodding in response.

"Yes, my lady! I'll make sure to keep them in line!" She said.

"Good, now, go take care of it." I said with a shooing gesture.

She would wave her staff and instantly vanish in a flicker of light.

I would sigh heavily before taking a seat on a nearby bench.

The whole soul and void thing was a mere bluff, i can't do any of that. I just want my love brought to me unharmed and matter how many die or get slaughtered. I had him stolen from me unjustly before, i won't have it happen again.

Oh Epimetheus, where are you? Why do you resist coming to me?
Are you scared of the monsters that lurk?
Are you appalled by my actions?
Do you not recognize me?
Is it the bodies scattered about?

No, there is no reason for you to be afraid. Just come to me, my love.....
Just....come to me....

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