chapter 45: hamming it up

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We each chose our targets. Once I seen that the koochisa- kumchee- screw it, the slit mouthed woman was revived and is still kickin, i knew i just had to gun for her and try out my techniques. I mean, i already knew her moveset and her attack patterns, so she's prime guinea pig material!

I was paired up with moro, xylu, daisuke from before. They had beef with her too and wanted to get their techniques down too since, again, we fought her already.

Coming with us, however, was sailor mars and sailor venus, Rei Hino and Minako Aino, respectively. Since we were on a crunch, more man power (in this case, woman power) was needed to kick things into high gear and get things done quicker.

"So where is she this time?" Moro asked.

"According to the information gathered, an abandoned office building. Abandoned as in the demons swarmed the place and killed everyone there." I said plainly.

"Those poor souls...." said mina.

"Just think, everything was just your average day. Then something like this, literally derails your whole life in an instance. It can happen at any moment, any time. Natural disaster, terrorists, criminals, there's no way of surely telling what will strike. You could be just going into work and bam it happens." Rei said.

She would see that, what she said upset me a bit.

"Its nothing geared towards you sa-"

"It matter what you do or say, the reality is, is that i caused this to happen...nothing can change my fault in this screw up....however, i aim to fix all of this, that is the difference. Once i defeat Pandora and destroy that jar thing, everything can be reversed to normal, by her majesty's power." I said.

Rei fell quiet.

"I'm confident you can do it san!" Mina said with a wink.

"Don't beat yourself up, we got this." Moro said.

"Dai thinks san can do it too!" Daisuke said.

"Me too!" Said xylu.

I felt a faint rumbling in the distance, but i didn't think anything of it, due to buildings constantly being destroyed bit by bit on a regular basis.

"Do you feel that?" Said moro.

"Yes, its probably a chunk of building hitting the ground or something." I replied.

"Dude, that would have been just one heavy thud.....this is a constant rumbling." Moro said.

I raised a brow and gestured for everyone to stop, to which they did.

I'd get on my hands and knees, swept off a clean spot, and then pressed by right ear to the ground.

It was constant....heavy thuds.
The rhythm was like that of a galloping horse almost.....
Also, the vibrations were gradually getting heavier and stronger....
Something big was coming!

I shot to my feet and got ready with talismans in hand.

"Something big is coming guys!" I said.

Daisuke didn't hide this time, but hovered by moro.
Moro readied his spear
Xylu looked around nervously.
Mars was ready with her fiery bow.
Venus was ready with her chain....bead....thing.

Cars started to fly skyward, as well as fallen trees, corpses, skeletons, etc, before a massive, beastly boar came into view. It was purple skinned with a scar over its right eye and a mohawk sort of mane going down its back with four sharp tusks jutting out the sides if it's mouth.

"No way....its the Katakirauwa!" Exclaimed Mars.

"The what??" I asked, confused.

"In folklore, it was just a normal sized pig with the soul of a bandit....but.....why is this one so huge and deformed looking?!" Mars explained.

"YES, IT IS I....KATAKIRAUWA!!! HWEEEEEEEE!!!" the pig practically screamed.

"Jesus, you're loud!!" I said, rubbing my ringing ears.

"I WON'T APOLOGIZE!! I'M A BIG GUY AND A BIG DEAL, SO I MUST MAKE MYSELF LOUD AND PROUD!!" said the kata- kaw- screw it, I'm naming it katak.

"What a ham...." said moro.

Venus would snicker at the joke, as did i. It was a pretty good pun, however, puns are like a delicate flower, anything can ruin it easily.

"Yeah! What a porker!" Said Mars.

We three collectively groaned. She ruined it.

"What?! I can be funny!" Said mars.

"Just stick to being a naggy stiff...." i asked.

I was promptly whacked by her paper fan, really hard i might add.

"I'm not a stiff!! Jerk!" Mars said with a huff.

"Uhm.....are you done?" The katak said with a normal tone.

"Yes!" We all said in unison.


"You're here on behalf of pandora to capture me and gain something outta it." I said plainly.

"DON'T TAKE MY THUNDER, YOU ASS!!" said the katak.

The pig would scuff its hoof in the pavement, readying a charge. Everyone, but me, braced for it and was ready to dive.

It would then charge, barreling through debris and cars to get to us. Everyone but me, dived to the sides as it got close.

"DODGE YOU IDIO-" shouted moro, before there was a loud ZZZZZAP!!

The ginormous pig was lit up with magical electricity and was froze dead in it's track, squealing loudly in pain.

"Huh?" Moro said, dumbfounded.

Mars would look at my feet and her face said it all. Right at my feet, were paralysis talismans.

"Talismans....when did you manage to plant those??" She asked, confused.

"When you hit me with that stupid paper fan. I flung forward and stuck them to the ground, knowing porky here would plow right into em!" I said with a smug grin.

"YOU....KRRK....BASTARD!!" shouted the katak.

I would channel my aura into my right arm, focusing on the fist and upper arms mainly. I'd plant my foot, pivoted, rotated, then delivered a devastating blow right into the giant pig's forehead. This sent him flying a good several feet away, up the street as his fat ass bounced and tumbled.

"Wow! San san is super strong!" Dai said with utter astonishment.

"Whoa...that was a helluva punch Sa-" moro said, before seeing me, hiding behind a car, whimpering.

"Idiot could have hit the nose or something softer and still done quite a bit of damage...." mars remarked.

"Im surpised, how he landed such a heavy punch, i mean, i felt the shockwave from it!" Moro said.

"Its....all in...the pivot.....i it hit harder!" I said, shakily giving them a thumbs up.

The katak would shakily get to its feet.

" head....nobody hits me lik-" he said before throwing up heavily.

Everyone was grossed out by this.

"So nauseas....did you gimme a concussion??.....thas isane......ugh...wasgoinon eh?" He slurred as he stumbled around. The concussion must be setting in.

"Ha, consider him tenderized and cooked!" Mars said, drawing her fire arrow.

We all groaned.

"You know what?......." she then blasted the pig and set him on fire.

"NOOOO DON'T DO ME LIKE YOU DID THE WEASELS!! I'M NOT A JOOOOOKE!!" he shouted as he turned to ash.

Mars then walked away with a huff.

"Hooooh boy....she's gonna be queen attitude now...." venus remarked as we continued on our way.

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