Chapter 51: a new summoner steps in the game

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We three weasels of Japanese folklore....
Seen as something terrifying on the countryside.....
Defeated by two senshi and a tengu.....
A tengu of all things, was in league with the senshi!

Me and my two brothers floated in nothingness for a while, all before we heard a familiar voice.

"Ey....eyyyy....wake up ya runts!!" It demanded.

Me and my brothers jolted, fully awake and aware. Before us, was Katakirauwa.

"Well well well, looks like the porker had his bacon ass handed to him!" Said one of my brothers. No, we don't have names, we just share the one name.

"Join me, our new master is much kinder." He said.

He's usually loud and obnoxious.....this was odd.

"Nicer? Like how?" Said my other brother.

"She has a pocket dimension that's a paradise. You get to eat and drink your fill, sleep as long as you like, and our master doesn't yell or lash at you." He spoke.

We all three looked at one another.

Something started to become more and more apparent. Katakirauwa's eyes had green flames on them and he acted strangely with his gestures.

"Are you...under hypno-" said my brother, before he slumped to the side.

"Brother!" I cried.

He would then straighten up and had the flame eyes too. My other brother did the same.

All i could do, was stare in horror before a feeling of peace and warmth came over me.....and relaxed.

"My name is Kyubi, the onyx witch....i am your master now, my children...." said a mysterious voice.

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