Chapter 2: Tokyo Departure R

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As I arrived to the bustling city of Tokyo, the word 'nervous' couldn't even begin to summarize my state of sanity. It felt like being in a whole new world. Nobody was familiar, everything looked way more different than I imagined, and anime.... doesn't do the place justice. Its huge, its congested, and it was difficult to read anything here in Japanese! I mean its to be expected, but my stupid ass didn't even bother studying Japanese writing or speech!

My guide soon waved me down and I walked up to her. She looked to be in her mid twenties, had shoulder length brunette hair, in a blue uniform of sorts. Said uniform had the crest of the royal family on it, a cresent moon with the earth in the center of it with several rings indicating the solar system. I'd assume she was sent on behalf of the family, due to my sister working for them and all.

"Greetings and welcome to Tokyo, Japan! I assume your flight went well Mr. Manfred? " she asked politely.

"Yes ma'am, though I slept through most of it" I said with a chuckle.

"Well then, I am to take you to your sister's house and give you a small tour so you can familiarize yourself with the city! Are you ready sir? " she asked

"Yes! I'm psyched to see the city! " I said.

During the whole tour, I bombarded the poor girl with question after question about rumors, myths, and utter dumb crap to which she answered. Such as internet myths, urban legends, and even about the sailor senshi. I'd ask about her life here, she'd ask about me and life in the U.S. , we had a blast until we arrived at my new home.

"well, this is your stop! It was nice meeting you! " she said with a smile.

"same to you! Maybe we can have lunch or something sometime! " I said with a smile as well.

"sorry, but I'm taken" she said in an apologetic tone.

"oh..... " I said in an awkward tone.

To defuse the awkwardness, I got out of the car and waved her off.

The house sis lived in was modest at best. Nothing too flashy or extravagant, just a common house that would easily blend in with the others. It had a driveway, garage, car port, and a small patch of lawn. I assumed she went to town or something since I didn't see her bike or a car parked.

She texted me prior telling me thay the key was under the welcome mat and to go inside and get situated. With that, I got the key and opened the door. She had a standard flat screen HD TV, a fairly up to date gaming console which was sailor V yellow and red, a cable box, cozy looking redish bown furniture, and a table dead center of the room. The curtains weren't nothing worthy of description and everything else was pretty much standard and clean. It had an upstairs, which is where my room is located across from katsumi and kikko's room.

Upon entering, it was a fairly large bedroom with plenty of space to do whatever I wanted. She, being the cool sister she is, had me a TV set up and ready to go. She even had shelves for my collectibles. I unpacked and got everything where I wanted them to be.

"I wonder where sis could be..... Oh well, guess I'll get hooked up to her wifi and play some games.... " I said as I hooked up my system and placed my game cases in the shelves.

I had plenty of games to choose from and never completed, mainly ranging from RPGs, platformers, FPS's, and some puzzles.

I logged onto my favorite RPG called "sailor guardians" and seen if my friend, Damien, was on or not. Gaming with Damien was like gaming with a brother I never had. Not too whiny, can take jokes, but will choke slam you if you screw em over. He had college and a fiance, so I couldn't game with him often. One of my gaming sessions went a little bit like this.....

"dude, there's a friggin fenrir over there! " I said with a semi-scared tone.

"He won't attack of we don't agro it" Damien said over the headset.

"It has rare loot though.... hmmm"

"Don't you dare! "

"We coooould take it"

"it'll one shot us idiot! Plus weren't you just afraid of it?!"

"A little bit, and that's mainly because you're mercury"

"mercury is smart as hell, DO-NOT dis her! least I don't have a whip that looks like anal beads! "

"hey! the holy whip.... thingy.... IS BADASS!! least she doesn't shoot bubbles! "

"Its called the love me chain.... And as for the bubbles, they're tactical! "

My character walks up to his and slaps his character hard.


"yes...... "

Annnnd the fight was on. We we're pretty much equal, in this game, mercury was a tanky, sage character. Meaning, her magic was all about defense as well as offence. It annoyed me, because he had the best gear for her that constantly generated bubble protection spells and increased the odds of her encasing foes in bubbles, which restricted movement and if you casted any spells, you'd always hit yourself.

The fight went on for a good ten minutes until, a stray shot hit the overpowered boss enemy. We screamed like little girls as we got our asses handed to us. The fun didn't end there however, when we returned to the hud area, he dropped his gear and had me hold onto it. In this game, people can steal your gear unless you had a house. I felt like being a jerk and hid his gear with some coding in my inventory. When he returned, it was hilarious.

"Alright, gimme my gear so we can take on fenrir. I looked up a guide to beating it. " he said.

"Welllllllllll..... " I said.


"there was a moon player..... "

"Noooooo! "

"and you know all moon character builds suck unless you have the moon scepter.... "


"aaaaand they walked away.... "

His character then slapped mine, and then we got into a slap fight. Me and him had some pretty fun times together, most of them was hilarious.

As I stared at the empty lobby, my eyes grew heavy. I assumed he wasn't on tonight, so I logged off and went to bed. It didn't take me long to nod off and fall asleep without a care in the world.....

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