chapter 14: day 3

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One of the trainees would come and get me the next morning. Somehow, my swelling was gone and my teeth weren't broken like they were yesterday. Before i could question it, i shook it off and followed the trainee to the training yard.

Today's training, was an obstacle course of sorts.

It had a climbing wall, ropes to climb across gaps, zipline, the works.

"I'mma time your asses! You get ten minutes to complete the course! Go!" He said as he blew his whistle.

We would each take turns running the course. Some were faster, some were slower, but each would make it in either less than nine minutes or close to ten minutes. After ten or so when ahead of me, it was down to me being next.

"You, manfred, get eight minutes...." grimmer growled.

"Yes sir." I replied, though I wanted to beat his ugly ass.

He blew his whistle and i bolted for the first obstacle.

Most of these obstacles reminded me of my childhood, how our master would train us how to climb, run, and tricks to conserving energy. From what he taught us, the trick is all in the mind and that you could trick your mind, in turn, your body, into not exherting as much energy as you would. All you have to do, is take your mind off the task and imagine the task at hand as something your body isn't doing, in lame man's terms, pretend its all virtual reality, and you'll somehow find yourself using much less energy and stressing less.

I switched my mind to my favorite comic series that starred Sailor V. I'd sometimes role-play in my head that i was a fellow hero and me and her would go on various missions together. Of course, there's the fanfic romance that i play in my head that will never happen, but it helps take my mind off things and it worked to keep me going.

I would get to the rope climbing bit, where i had to use a singular rope to climb from one tower to the next. Between the towers, was a safety net, in case we slipped and fell. However, i dared to not even think about falling. None of the others did, so not only would it have been embarrassing, but he'd probably make me run the whole damn course again if i didn't beat the time limit.

I would use the momentum i built up from running and grabbed hold of the rope, then began to climb across. I got to the mid-way point, until i seen something whizz by and the rope snap on the other side. Because of this, i was slung backwards, hit the side of the previous tower hard, and fell to the ground. As soon as i hit the net, it snapped, breaking my fall none whatsoever, and i hit the ground full force on my shoulder. On impact, i heard a loud crack, followed by agonizing pain.

The trainees would gather around me to check up on me, asking me what happened, if i was alright, and so on. Lo and behold, the gratuitous asshole walked over to me.

"What happened, maggot?" He asked in a cold manner.

"You did this on purpose! You shot the rope! I seen the bullet!" I shouted.

He let out a hearty laugh, followed by snickering.

"Like anyone can see a bullet! Hahaha! How obsurd!" He would then look at where the safety net connected to the hooks on the tower.

Upon examination on my part, i seen the rope. It was clearly cut on by a knife.

"Carpet beetles chewed em up..." he said passively.

"Bullshit!!" I yelled.

"The pain is clouding his judgment. Take him to the medical tent....thats an order!" Grimmer bellowed.

"Sir yes sir!!" The trainees shouted before helping me to the tent.

He's trying to injure me indirectly.....
I know he is.....
No way that the safety net was chewed on by carpet beetles.....
He rigged it to snap because he knew the others could easily clear it......

Even if it didn't happen and i somehow made it across, be would have made sure that i ran the course again, until i collapsed. Sadistic bastard.....

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