Chapter 6: The Chaos I Bred R

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"What.... The Hell..... Have you done?!"

These were the first words I heard as my senses came to, to a girl in strange attire. She had fox ears, two tails, her hair and tails all white. Her uniform looked like the same kind that sailor venus wore, which I assumed to just be a video game icon.

"Sis? Is that you? Your fur is white and....what's with the outfit?"

I was then met with a smack to the head and all my senses returned. I was met with screaming, panic, and the smell of smoke outside.

"Whats going on?! " I said as I jolted up.

"Where... Is.... The jar! " kat asked.

"The jar, it's right-" I pointed but nothing was there. "There..... But it was just-! "

"What happened? I know you was the only one that had it! " she said panicked.

"I dunno! It was speaking to me through the computer, then my phone, then my head a-and it tricked me into opening it! Now why are you dressed as a sailor guardian? "

She gave me a deep sigh.

"Listen, I'm a sailor senshi or guardian. I fight everything that is evil and threatens the universe..... That jar.... That cursed jar, was containing demons and monsters! I'm sorry I didn't tell you San, i really am. I just didn't want you to get wrapped up in guardian business and get hurt."

I was shocked and taken aback by all this information. Sis was a senshi this entire time?! Right under my nose was a literal super hero! I mean, i already knew, but i never took it seriously, i thought she was referring to being a fanclub member of the senshi or something, not being an actual senshi!!

However, I was quickly overcome with guilt because I was the one that caused all this to happen and now sis is in danger!

"I've gotta fix this! " I said.

"You've done quite enough damage already, there's a shelter nearby the ca-"

Before she could finished, I fell through the crumbling floor down into the basement, with debris falling on top of me. Remarkably, the debris made a tent sort of formation and landed around me, but now I was trapped under the rubble.

"SAN!!.........oh no.... San....not my little brother.....Please be oka-"

I would hear some screeches and snarls up above and my sister cursing angrily. I would hear the fight with, whatever it was, up above and would then hear more female voices join in the fight.

"Sis? Sis!! I'm down here!! I fell in the basement!!" I shouted.

My voice was drowned out by the violence above.

"Dammit, they can't hear me-"

"No! He's down there! We have to save him!" I heard my sister say.

"That's a two story fall, with a load of debris on hi-....oh no....i don't know how to say this but...." said a female voice.

"No....that...that can't be his blood! NOOO!! NOT MY BROTHER!!" sis screamed.


I looked around for said "blood" in the surrounding area. I would then feel a liquid substance on my hands. It was sis's motor oil she kept down here! It looked reddish, but from up there, it probably looked like blood.

"Its not blood!! Its oil!!" I shouted.
Again, my voice was drowned out by everything going on. All i heard was sis sobbing and the girls comforting her as the voices grew more faint. They walked away and are definitely out of earahot.

I checked my surroundings, for any doors in the dark and dust. Remarkably, my phone and phone light still worked so I was able to see a bit ahead of me. The air was heavy with dust, I had to cover my face so I could just breathe. Eventually, I found a pipe to wedge the debris off of me, used a piece of wood to keep it off me temporarily, and then crawled out from under the rubble.

The basement was trashed with debris, so walking and moving around in all of it was both risky and difficult. What a way to die, get stabbed in the foot with an rusty nail and get an infection....that would suck so bad.

Once i finally got out, i was welcomed by everything before me....

People were running for their lives, it was mid-day, but looked like midnight, creatures and demons run amok killing and tormenting humans, fire filled the air as well. Buildings were crumbling, roads cracked, tentacles and eggs scattered about, it looked like a Eldridge horror came to life.

"What.... What manner of hell is.... Is this? " I managed to stammer.

I grabbed one of kat's baseball bats that she kept in a display case, which was knocked over and destroyed now, for self defense and walked out to begin my quest to fix everything I screwed up.

My first mission, is to find out what the hell that vase is. I walked out into the streets and witnessed gruesome sight after gruesome sight. One man silently begged for help as he was dragged into a dark alley, followed by a sickening crunch. I made a break for the museum and was definitely spotted by a few demons!

"There's some prey right there! Get him before the senshi intervene!! " the bird demon with one eye shouted upon spotting me.

I was terrified of them. I bolted down the street, hoping to get away from them. Them cackling behind me and laughing at me freaking out. They would sometimes swoop down at me and I'd pathetically swing my bat at them, only to miss and resulting in more insults and laughter from the demons. In the distance, i seen the museum and hastened my pace. They seen me looking at it too and became more aggressive.

When one swooped down at me again, an anger awoken from me as i stopped, pivoted my foot, and gave a mighty baseball swing right into its face. It would cry out in pain and tumble into an alleyway. Anger faded away and was replaced with fear once more as i bolted for the museum, while they were dumbfounded by my attack.

When I got the chance, I dashed in the museum and slammed the door shut, cutting off limbs and wings in the process. I then used a nearby coat rack it shut.

The demons outside cursed and sworn, but eventually left the door. I looked around the building, to see several people terrified and huddling together.

"No reason to get worked up, they can't go anywhere, kyeheheheh." Said a demon before it became silent outside.

I looked around and then looked at the refugees.

"This a temporary shelter of sorts or no?" I said panting.

One of the refugees shook her head, scared. I sighed and looked around. Demons could easily break in the windows or set up a nest anywhere. This place looked like a safe place, but was really just a easy to access cage for food to the demons. I have a feeling they know this and are toying with us.

Of course, electricity was out so computers were no go. I found some dead patrons and tried to see if they had anything useful, but they didn't. I felt awful for frisking a corpse for goods, but these were desperate hours. So I turned on my phone light and walked down the corridors for clues.

As I walked, my footsteps echoed throughout the halls. It felt empty and terrifying, like something from a horror game. I expected the mannequins to jump out at any moment or the shadows to come after me, but nothing happened.

When I found the library area, I found a book on the floor. It somehow stuck out from the rest of damaged, torn, or bloodied book remains. As soon as I seen the cover of the book, I seen an image that definitely gave me an idea of what the jar was. The book was called "the tale of Pandora's box".....

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