chapter 17: day 6

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Tomorrow is gonna be the final day of training and i was super excited to be done with all of this crap soon. I gotta say though, with what hell grimmer has put me through, i have gained some extra endurance and strength from it, despite being jerked around.

Today's drills were basically a crash course on all the previous ones.

Running, swimming, and hiking just like on day one of training.

Weapon assembly and maintenance.

Obstacle course running.


And just overall general training just to push our minds and bodies for the big battle up ahead. We were too busy for grimmer to try and kill me, because the grand elder was overseeing things today and wanted to see our progress. Mom was even here too, keeping a killing glare on grimmer's every move he made, almost asking and begging him to give her a reason to come over and kick his ass. Grimmer is a behemoth to inarian standards (seriously, what the heck does he eat?!), but my mother is regarded as the strongest and skilled in the village, though all i seen her do is her shrine maiden duties, so i don't get where they say that.

Grimmer decided that today, we would do some sparring matched amongst ourselves as demonstration of the potency of this cram training he put us through. It was with either hand to hand with padded gloves, cushioned bats to resemble swords, or dual ended cushioned staves to resemble spears.

I chose the gloves, due to it feeling more natural to me and my past training in hand to hand martial arts.

First guy i was up against had the "spear" weapon. I already knew his weakness before he even swung at me.

A spear is only good at medium to long ranged combat. It's nearly useless in close quarters, which requires the wielder to push the combatant away from them with the mid section of the handle or a solid kick. If he were a trained individual with years under his belt, he could probably do more, but him? Nah, this was going to be cake walk.

He immediately started with a lunge strike that i knew he was gonna do, to which i side stepped it and parried it with a solid palm strike. I'd then close the gap with a forward dash, followed up with an elbow jab to his gut, grappled him, then slammed him into the dirt, followed by a pin.

"Alright manfred, you win...." grimmer grumbled.

"Very good form, my son!" Mom said with an approving nod.

"He's grown since last time, i see..." said the elder.

Grimmer hated that i was being showered by compliments rather than him as the teacher/instructor.

The next guy was one that was wielding a "sword". Poor sap probably has never picked one up and had a terrible stance and everything.

As i fought him and many others during these sparring matches.....something ran through my mind that caused a sinking feeling in my gut....

These are guys my age....
They have never fought before, nor have encountered what i have in the fog....
I had experience with fighting my sister on numerous occasions, whether it be by sparring in the dojo or by a petty squabble......
But these guys?
They're being cram trained and are basically being sent in to the slaughter....
They have no idea what they're up against.....
I can't let these people go in the fog.

"Hey manfred!!" Shouted grimmer.

"Yes sir?" I said, startled.

"I said, its lunch time! Eat your grub, pup!" He scowled, before leaving.

I apparently zoned out during the match line-ups.

I walked over to my mothet, who had a lunch box made for me and gave it to me.

"Hey mom...."

"Is something bothering you?"

"Its...this whole days is....its not enough....this feels wrong."

"You will all pull through this, I'm sure, sweetheart."

As i sat there and ate my lunch, as my mother consoled me......the feeling never did go away.
The feeling of dread of tomorrow and what BS grimmer might pull.
The return to the fog.
And the fate of my fellow trainees.

A guy can only handle so much stress....

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