Chapter 28: Sven VS Neptune - R

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During mine and Neptune's scuffle, we managed to get to the streets from the rooftops. She had a fake smile on her face and was brutal. Every time I got near her I felt a coldness from her.

"So.... Ya gotta real name or is it just neptune? " I asked, puffing on my whisper wood branch.

The whisper wood comes in sticks that one can smoke. It never burns out however, using its smoke as a weapon is tricky, and requires a lot of training and spiritual essence. Despite me being a carefree, slacker I am spirit sensitive. I have multiple I could use, the more smoke, the more powerful. However, it's more taxing breathing wise and takes a lot of time to channel to use the more larger attacks.

"My real name is not for you to know. I will eliminate you, then move to the others.... " she said coldly.

"Haaaaa why such the soulless demeanor? Must we really fight?" I asked with hands in my hoodie pockets.

"Soulless? That's rich coming from a demon. " she said.

"Ey, when a demon say's your less human than he is, that's kind of an insult huh? " I said with a smirk.

She chuckled a bit.

As soon as I chuckled, she hurled a tidal wave of a blast at me. With my agility though, I was able to evade it with relative ease. Being a smoke fiend or whatever I am, has it's advantages. See, I have lizard like abilities and have spring and grip to my feet. Usually when I fight, I cling to walls and jump from them to get an advantage....well....when they're present i do.....aaaand when i remember i can do that stuff.

While I was on the side of the wall, clinging to it, I took in a breath and fired several smokey missiles at her. These don't explode like actual missiles nor are they destructive. They're basically homing sand bag rounds that create a large poof of smoke on impact.

She raised a wall of greenish water, blocking the attacks effortlessly. I tested the wall again and my smokey missiles disappeared on contact. Each hit did cause a splash and miniscule dent in her shield, but with it being purely out of water, it almost instantly repaired itself.

"Hmmmmm" I hummed out loud, rubbing my chin.

"What's wrong? Your smoke can't transcend water? " she said smiling in a casual manner.

"So you use water correct? This is pretty annoying..... I'd rather my fights be easy." I said as I stood straight up on the wall, gripping with my feet. I was always barefoot, cuz ya can't wear shoes with large feet with lizard talons too well.

"Giving up so soon? " she said.

"Nah, just actually have to use my pea sized brain." I said.

"Well I don't want your mind to be blown so early. " she chuckled lightly, pulling out some sort of mirror.

Uh oh, that can't be good. Judging how she hasn't used an item at this point, this one will probably be a hell of an attack. Gotta stop her from using her mirror!

I tried using smokey fists by channeling my spiritual aura into my smoke as I breathed steadily and forming it into giant fists, before launching them. These are like smokey missiles, but hit harder, broader, and only go a straight path.

Every time I'd try to get around her water shield thing and catch her blind spots or exposed areas, she'd cut off my smoke route by shifting the water in my direction and it followed me with pin point precision. At least this kept her on her toes so she wouldn't use that friggin mirror at least.

Think sven, ya gotta find a way past that water, I mean she is surrounded. I'll try bluffing my way outta this.

"Well well well, guess what? I've got you pinned down! You can't move or lower your water shield or risk being hit, meaningyou can't attack! " I said. I mean, I am half right. If she does let up the water, I can strike at any angle. Plus if she did keep up the water, eventually it'd drain her...... HOLY CRAP I DID SOMETHING SMART!!

"hmmmm this is troublesome.... " she said, looking around herself at the smoke.

"Heh, give up and I won't pummel you! " I said with pride.

"Don't be so sure of yourself... " she said, making the water around her expand making the shield larger.

"Dammit! " I said out loud as i backed off a bit.

How stupid of me, of course she could do that! Grrrr, I'm running out of moves and out of breath! I can barely keep my breathing steady...... I've gotta get to a safe place to stabilize it!

"Submarine..... Reflection! " she said, launching a large blast of water at me.

I was too caught off guard to see it coming and was swept up by it. The impact felt like a train hit me full on, knocking the breath outta me and the water was the icing on the cake. It was freezing cold in it and I couldn't move until I hit the ground below.

By the time I rubbed the water out of my eyes and stopped coughing up water. She had the damned mirror pointed at me again.

Whisper wood was soaked and definitely can't be lit again until it dries. My only lighter was fine, but with the whisperwood sticks soaked, its useless. Also, that last blow knocked the wind outta me so my breathing was to a wheezing state. She had all my weaknesses sorted out and hit em all at once. I was literally in over my head with this one.

"I.... Won't..... Let you..... Hurt them...." I wheezed as I weakly stood up.

"There's nothing you can do now mister lizard demon....never caught your name, won't bother to... " she said charging up another attack.

I started to accept my fate and collapse from exhaustion. Just as I blacked out, a bolt of lightning struck at her feet and two figures stood in front of me.... One with greenish hair, one with blue hair......

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