Chapter 30: A misfit trio

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My whole body ached as I woke up. It felt like I was hit by a bus and backed over one more time for good measure. I stood up and popped my joints and neck as I looked at my surroundings.

The building seemed to be a large school building, but the lights were barely hanging in there, flickering or dimmed. The walls were chipped, blood stained, and some parts outright trashed. Same could be said about the floor too, except the blood on it was glistening because of the tile.

I walked around a bit to try to find an exit, being careful not to make a sound or slip in any water or blood. There was a classroom door left ajar, just enough for me to get a glimpse inside. At this point, I wasn't exactly surprised to see dead students and teachers, however something about the scene was kinda unnerving. Either their heads were cut clean off, or they were cut clean through the midsection in half.

I've acquired a tolerance to gore and death at this point in my mission. I'm sort of glad I have, but at the same time, I felt less human because of it. Feeling a chill down my spine, I decided it would be best if I resumed my search, maybe pick up the pace a bit. I don't wanna run into whatever killed them.

I was suddenly yanked into a classroom by someone. To which I sucker punched em in the face out of reflex and self defense.

"OWWWWW WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" said the young man.

"Sorry, you just triggered my fight or flight instincts! Who are you??" I asked, ready to fight them.

"Uggggh i think you broke my nose!" He said, feeling it.

A little....bug girl? A little bug girl popped out of the man's hoodie hood and looked mad.....which looked adorable because she looked like a blue haired chibi girl with a thorax and bug wings, but had human features, such as a human body, just small.

She popped out and fluttered in front of him in a defensive fashion.

"You leave moro alone you meanie!!" She hissed.

"Moro?" I said out loud as i thought. That name stuck out for some odd reason.

"Yes moro! He's my master, you bully!" She said, raising her hands as if she's ready to box.......but shes too cute!!

"Its fine daisuke, i know this crazy guy..." the young man said.

"You do??" She asked in surprise.

"Sannyboi28?" He said.

"How do you know my gamer tag??" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Its me, Damien.....ya know, Damien123 hahah!" He said.

He was around my height and age, having snow white hair like me, dark skinned, wearing a hoodie, jean shorts, and boots. He also had purple eyes as well.........or dark blue. Lighting is horrible in this room.

"Eyyyyy!! Its been forever ma-" i said before being met with a gut punch.

"Thats for giving away a legendary, level 90 spear to a level 5 player THAT CAN'T EVEN USE IT YET!!" he shouted with a growl.

"Jesus christ dude....its just a digital item...."


"Master, I'm confused...." said daisuke.

"Don't worry about it...." he said.

"Don't tell me....she's your fiance...." i said, recovering from the gut punch.

".........yeaaaaah about that.....i....don't have a fiance.....and my name isn't damien...." he said wincing.

"Bruh..." i said without emotion.

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