chapter 71: Dark Veil War - part 1

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We all gathered in the royal courtyard, preparing to go into the battle that lied in wait for us.

Me, San Manfred, Captain of the knights division, knighted name: Solar Knight.
The knights under my friends and family. Sven, Tamono, Teguma, Hikaru, Moronio, Xylu, Daisuke, each one with their own strengths, unique powers, and abilities.

Sailor Venus, as the leader of the inner senshi and are accompanying her. Sailors Mars, Jupiter, mercury, and my sister in her squad, sailor inari.

Sailor Uranus, as the leader of the outer senshi. Sailor Neptune, Sailor Saturn, and the door of time keeper Sailor Pluto.

I never caught their actual names, aside Rei Hino. It's kind of a shame really. Not saying we won't come back or anything, because we will, case we didn't....

"As soon as Pandora is defeated, the queen will purify the fog and revert all of the damage." Luna announced.

"The king and i will hold the forte with the guards until then. My dear luna and my daughter diana will be monitoring everything and will aid you with information, so keep an eye on your communicators. Knights, your communicators aren't too advanced like the senshis are. If you wish to use it, get into an open area or higher altitude. After all is said and done, we will get you up to date ones. These were only meant to meet an ends to the means." Artemis explained.

Me and my group responded with a "yes sir!".

"Unfortunately, our vehicles are down, so, its all on foot from here. The tokyo tower isn't far though, roughly a fifteen minute walk. This is the final battle, so be careful and watch out for each other." Luna said.

"Anything you wish to add your highnesses?" Artemis asked, turning to the royal family.

The queen walked up to me personally, which caught me off guard a bit, but i kept my cool.

"San.....i had a vision of someone who can vanquish the upcoming threat....a knight of valor and bravery.....i know you have gotten plucked from a comfortable lifestyle by making a mistake, but, i believe things happen for a reason! Sir San..." she said kindly.

"Yes your highness!" I said, at attention.

"Be safe out there.....don't forget, you have allies. This isn't your fight alone." She said with a smile.

"I will do my best!" I said with sincerity.

She nodded and walked back to her husband and daughter.

The king would look at me with seriousness.

"Be valiant, be a great leader, and defeat the monster ahead..." he said to me.

"Consider it done." I responded.

The princess didn't look like she had anything to say to me, so i settled for a salute to give to her before turning around to everyone, who was starting to walk towards the gate. However, as we would start walking towards the gate and i would suddenly hear footsteps approaching me from behind.

"Wait!" Said the princess.

I whipped around and seen her in front of me.

She smiled and pointed at the ground.

I looked....and seen nothing.

She scoffed and growled, before calming herself.

"THAT-.....hoo....that means kneel, sir san." She said.

"Oh! Sorry!" I said, kneeling, blushing from embarrassment.

She walked forward.

"Look up towards me." She said.

Solar Knight: Dark Veil -book 1-Where stories live. Discover now