chapter 16: day 5

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Today's new exercise was climbing, more specifically rock climbing without safety equipment.

See, the genetics and anatomy of an Inarian can be summed up as simply, super human. Features of both fox and man, but has strengths on a whole other level. Even an inarian pup, the equivalent of a human child by bodily standards, and easily kill an human adult with ease if they wanted to, which is if they've gone into a feral state.

Given the advanced anatomy of inarians, they can climb rocks and trees without any safety equipment, because of not only their agility, but their durability. So if they were to fall, they could tank it and get right back up to climb again.

Grimmer, didn't care that i was a human however.....

"Today's exercise is climbing! You peons are gonna climb all the way to the top of this cliff in less than five minutes! Any questions, runts?" He said, pausing afterwards.

"Sir, with all due res-" was all i managed to get out, before he blew his damn whistle.

Just like the other day, we went one after another, scaling the cliff with varying results at the end. Again, of course, i was last again. They make it look so easy, like they're part spiders or something, but to me, it was grueling and painful.

Every rock i grabbed was a gamble of whether or not it had a razor sharp edge to it, was jagged, loose, or was even good enough to have a sure grip on. My body ached as i climbed, my fingers grew sore and cut up, my body wanted to just let go and fall just to escape the pain, but i knew if i did, i would either die or wished i was.

During all of this, my senses felt heightened, like it filtered out the noise and that it was just me and nothing else. I could hear each individual leaf, my exhaustion gone, the pain was fading, and i felt the breeze in detail to the point i could feel where each individual stream was blowing from and going, if that makes any sort of sense.

I heard a thud sound.....
Followed by a whistling sound that grew louder and louder, as if it were getting close.....
Then, my instinct kicked in and i jerked my hand back for a moment.


A pebble struck the rock i had a grip on and fell to the ground far below. After it hit the rock, i quickly grabbed the rock again and resumed climbing.

Upon grasping the rock, i felt a sizeable indentation of where the pebble hit. It was a fairly sizable one, and deep too. It even felt hot to the touch. It was as if a bullet hit it.

That's it! No wonder i didn't hear a gun click or anything the other day! He was flicking pebbles so hard that it was like pistol's firepower! That sneaky bastard!

I looked down briefly and seen grimmer scowl at me. He really wanted me to plummet to my death so bad.

I continued the climb and stood up at the top.

".....four minutes a thirty-nine seconds....not bad manfred, but there's still room for improvement, pup!" Grimmer growled as he looked up at me.

"Sir yes sir!" I yelled.

He'd scowl and walk off after dismissing everyone.

The dude is getting more and more desperate. Everyone is catching onto the abuse and knowing he's racist against humans. It's only a matter of time when things will collapse on him and the rest of the inarians turn on him.

I wonder how he'll react to that....
Could he really raise his hand against his own people?

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