Chapter 57: A Man Many Mysteries

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I simply stood there, staring at the mysterious man, trying to judge whether or not if he's friend or foe. How foolish of me, it's obvious that he's our enemy! What level he's on however, is the main question. Grimmer fears him greatly, so is he Pandora's leader or just serve closer to her than the others?

"I bet a million and one questions are racing through your head right now! I don't blame you, i am quite stylish and suave, huh?" He said with a chuckle.

"I care not about your boasts, you are an enemy to us! Tell me who you are!" I demanded.

"Ah ah ah! I don't do demands mister! However, i will indulge get one question, and one only. Make it count, birdy." He said with a grin.

It was a cruel, but generous deal. How was i to know if he would be truthful or try to be vague on purpose, just to waste the question. I, however, have to take a leap of faith on it.....and one thing was burning in my mind.

"What is your goal? Your motive, what do you aim to achieve?" I asked, staring him down.

"That's two questions buddy, however, the last one is relevant to the first one so...I'll bite." He said with a smirk, he'd begin twirling his cane, before propping it on his shoulder and cupping his chin.

Grimmer sat in silence during this whole conversation, daring not to speak out of term.

"No matter how i could word it, it would still be beyond your comprehension. Where normal people play chess, well....I'm playing chess in multiple dimensions!" He said with a chuckle.

I didn't show any sign of being amused.

"Oh come on, no need to be sour! Smile a bit!, if you can....can tengus smile??" He said with a bewildered look, even looking to grimmer for answers, to which he shrugged and shook his head.

"You never answered me...." i said plainly.

"Oh that's right, i did said I'd indulge you. AHEM, as i said, my plans are very complex, however I'll do my best to give it to you briefly. It's all tied to my name. Once you figure out my name, you'll know my plan!"

"You said you'd answer me!" I growled in frustration.

"And i did....once you learn my name, all will make sense! Until then, rest well, take your vitamins......and you can tey praying for the nightmares to stop, but i will not." He said with smirk, before vanishing into nothing along with grimmer.

Frankly, i was left with more questions than answers. He said as soon as i figure out his name, then all would make sense, however, he never gave me the information. This is the first time ever encountering someone like him. He seemed like someone in an high authoritive position. Then there's his otherworldly powers that i both seen and felt, just by him standing acroaa from me. We should return to the palace immediately.

As soon as i was about to see if the girls were done, they were running towards me.

"Where's grimmer? Did you defeat him?" Asked uranus.

"I did in a way.....then a mysterious individual showed up." I said, still puzzled from the experience.

"What did he look like?" Neptune asked with a tilted head.

"Brown top hat, long coat, shoes, purple pants and shirt, all formal. Purple hair, purple scars and veins, uses a staff that has two arches split and a jewel in the center. Does that sound familiar in any regard?" I asked.

They looked as puzzled as i did, looking at each other, before both looked at me and shook their heads.

Great, zero leads on the man and just more mystery.

"At any rate, let us return and give the queen the update on our findings and results of our quest." I said.

"Sounds good to me." Said uranus.

"Same as well." Said neptune.

We would then start to head back to the palace, leaving behind the corpses of demons and the carnage from the fight, like one leaves behind a phantom. I cannot forget what transpired here....

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