Chapter 9: friendly demon R

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I immediately almost jumped outta my and got ready to fight. He laughed and waved his hand downward as if to tell me to calm down.

"Hahahahaha calm down dude, I'm not gonna eat ya. Unlike other demons, I'm more partial to burgers and other junk food!" he said smiling.

"They have burgers in hell?" I asked.

"Well.....the unconventional kind."

"Demon meat?"

"Dude, that's cannibalism...."

"Not all demons are the same, surely some are what you consider game meat."

"Maybe the bird and deer sorta demons? Whatever makes us feel better I suppose?"

"So it is de-"

"Yes its demon meat...."

"You sick bastard...."

"You humans eat hotdogs and bugs, so don't go there..."

"Wait.... So.... You're not evil? " I said, still not lowering my guard.

"Nah man, I'm just confused as to why I'm here hahah, sit down and relax. You look kinda tired and worn out. " he said patting a flipped over crate.

I cautiously sat down on the crate next to him. He was smoking some sort of twig or wooden object. It smelt like lavender or something close to it.

"The hell are you smoking? " I asked.

"Whisper wood, it's toxic to humans if smoked. Smells good if inhaled by them though. Takes on the scent the human finds most appealing. " he said as he puffed some smoke.

"That makes no sense..... " I said.

"Well it's a hell exclusive and there's no logic down there so..... Yea..... " he said chuckling.

"It literally looks like a blunt."

"Are we really doing this again?"

"I mean, other than it having small branches on it, it looks like a long blunt!"

"Its a twig from the whisperwoood tree down in hell! It gets its name, because the leaves make a whispering sound when they rub together!"

".......and I bet a bunch of zonked out demons hang around it."

"Actually no. See, its a tree that is useless in any aspect other tha-"

"Smoking it to soothe your nerves...."

" make it sound bad."

"Cuz it is!"

"Bleeeeeh who asked you anywaaaays."

"What's your name? My names San, San Manfred." I said.

"To be honest man.... I don't know what my name is, or even what I am..... I know I'm a demon of sorts but, I feel like....i dunno." he said then looking down pondering.

"What if I gave you a name? " I asked.

"A name huh? Actually, that sounds friggin gold in my situation. Just don't call me Clarence or something stupid." he chuckled.

"You look like a Sven. " I said.

"Sven eh? Not bad, not bad at all. Sven the smoker demon....pfft, okay." he said.

We chilled for a moment in silence. I could hear the carnage still going on and I felt uneasy. It's like he could sense it and patted my back.

"Ey, it'll be OK amigo. I'll be by ya side!" he said, comforting me.

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