Chapter 11: Destiny R

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The eldery Inarian sat there, smoking his pipe. I straightened up my attire and hair, then sat up straight. I may not be an inarian, but the grand elder of the tribe was a very important man. He was there when planet inari was attacked and helped everyone leave the planet back when sis wasn't even born yet, so I'm told. Even before that, he helped keep the tribe together and tried to keep them from the path of bloodshed and fight the old inarian nature. He was successful, but many turned and left the tribe. No one knows where the inarians of old reside now.

He abruptly whacked me on the head with his cane.

"Ow!" I cried.

"Foolish, disrespectful boy...." He grumbled.

"You're lucky it was him, not me...." Mom said.

"But what he's saying is bonkers!" I protested.

"He's wiser and more experienced than you! You show some respect!....please continue, grand elder...." Mom said, giving a slight bow.

I grumbled in my seat, rubbing my sore head. There'll probably be a bruise....

".......your boy.... He's got great potential sealed away inside him.... You're foolish by keeping him from what he truly is...." hoshi said.

"I.... I just... I just don't want to see him get hurt. I didn't want katsumi to get hurt either but, she outright rebelled and ran off.... San.... He's not strong like we are.. Katsumi was a born warr-"

Just then hoshi slapped his pipe on the ash tray, making a loud bang. This made mom jump and look at him, startled.

"You deny your son's strength just because he's human?? FOOL! " hoshi said.

Mom didn't have anything to say, she looked down in shame.

"You adopted him, taught him our ways, he even kept up with your daughter in several aspects, and yet you deny his strength based on race?? Humans may be more physically frail than us in most instances, but I've read up on their history. They tell of tales of strong men and women that makes us pale in comparison. The trials they've endured, the wars they've fought. I might so boldly say that humans out do us in strength! We couldn't even stand up against our own feral infected kin, we fled that day!" Hoshi shouted.

I heard about this, the attack on planet Inari. It was done by an unknown terrorist. They unleashed a devastating plague that turned inarians into mindless beasts, that turned on their own kind.

"I.... I understand.... Please forgive me.... Grand elder... And especially you San....." She said as she began to cry.

"Now... Unto pressing matters. Your mother kept your inheritance from you, because she feared you would get dragged into fighting just like your sister. However, you're not strong enough to gain it just yet." Hoshi said.

"Inheritance??" I asked.

"Yes.... When you came to the village, your father, well Foster father, investigated the ruins where you were found. He came across a hard wood box with a aquamarine jewel imbedded in it. It had your name engraved in it. We never opened it, so no one has any idea what's inside it. However, I sensed an immense power from within the box." he explained

"Can I see it? I knew nothing of this box they had! I want to know! I have every right to! " I said, raising my voice.

"No! It's not just some play thing or a will of sorts. It's got powerful energy emanating from it!" He shouted.

I was getting more angry and frustrated. How could he keep what's mine away from me?? That's something my parents wanted to give to me! That old fart.... How dare he treat me like this!

"Listen.... Young man. I've seen many of our people use our own technology for war purposes and to even revolt against their own kind.... " he said.

"Speaking of which, why have y'all not gotten this place looking like a scifi set yet? These seats don't vibrate and don't have cup holders... It's a literal pillow on the floor. " I said a bit dissapointed.

He sighed and shook his head.

"When I seen such a beautiful culture, I didn't want to tarnish it. I wanted to live the way the Japanese did." He said.

"No offense but.... The Japanese have all the things I JUST said and even more......maybe not the chairs." I said.

I was then bonked on the head by his pipe which caused me to reel in pain. Abusive old man i swear!

"We have technology here, but I have say so when we use it! Anyways, if you want your inheritance. You gotta earn it, my vision told me so. Even then, if you earned it, opening it will change your life tremendously.....the bigger question is....what are you fighting for and are you willing to take that step?" He said.

I have a feeling he knows I was the one that screwed everything up. The old crone has visions that pretty much informs him of everything. He knows, but I'm scared about what others think.

Eventually, I swallowed my pride and fessed up to everything I did. The bringing of the jar into katsumi's house, giving into it's influence, and just being an all around dumbass. Everyone, except the elder, was shocked. I was swiftly smacked across the face by my mother and had tears in her eyes.

"How stupid.... And selfish..... And careless..... You brought something dangerous into my daughter, your sisters home and put everyone in jeopardy..... You ignorant, selfish could you? Even after telling us that she warned you about it, you did it anyway... Now look what you've done..... " she said calm and enraged like. Like when a parent is so shocked and angry at the same time.

I couldn't say anything, the searing pain from the slap didn't hurt. It was the dissapointment in my mother's face and her scolding was what hurt the most. I could see the calm anger through what her tail, ears, and flared nostrils portrayed. I felt that if I said anything out of line, she might exile me or something. The room was that heavy.

The elder put a hand on her shoulder, which caused her to jump a bit and looked at him then me, before sitting down again. The elder smiled and puffed on his pipe.

"Bout time you got that off your chest young man..... You have a hand full of choices here.... You're an adult and shall be treated as one...... You can either, stay here and wait for your sister to return IF she does. Take up the training regimen, and become strong enough to fix this mess. Or run away and eventually fall victim to the destruction you've caused if it's not fixed, but even then you'll be alone..... The choice is yours.... " he said before wrapping the side of the ash bowl with his pipe, emptying it.

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