Chapter 21: My Long-time Dream

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Minako Aino....
Not Mrs. Aino
Not Minako, insert the last name of my husband....
Just Minako Aino, Miss Aino, Venus, V, Minako, or Mina.....

As I roamed with my party around the city, this thing bothers me to this day. I know i should be focusing on killing demons and rescuing civilians, but i can't help, but have this nagging feeling of...well.....depression...despair.... loneliness...wanting....

I want my King Endymion....
I want my Helios....
I want someone of my own....

However....i cannot, because i am both blessed and cursed to devoting my whole life to serving her majesty....

i cannot have a romance due to the fact that if i got tangled up in a fight with a villain or threat, my lover would be in danger. They could be targeted for kidnapping for a hostage situation or murder to get me to lower my guard and kill my spirits. Either that, or I'd be too distracted that i would leave my queen vulnerable or not there in her time of need.....

I laugh and cut up with the girls to mask this feeling i have inside. I make jokes and smile to mask the pain and jealously on the inside when they have their relationships and romances. To be honest....i envy the ones that have lovers....the queen, Michiru, Haruka, sometimes hurt to smile and be around them....

Though i have these feelings, i still love everyone and would gladly give my life for them to protect them. For that is my duty as a senshi, to protect the royal family and aid my friends.

However, this normally doesn't bother me.....however, lately I've just been...thinking about it....even my companion, Artemis, has a family of his own and...well...we used to sleep in the same room together when we were younger and during my Sailor V days.....

However, i think i got my sign one night in my sleep. I dreamt that i was in a party dress, at a ball. It was a long, flowing, golden dress with a yellow flower pinned in it. I was wearing my Sailor V mask and everyone else was blurry and hard to see, but one thing stood out, and it was everyone's masks. I was apparently at a masquerade ball. Everyone's masks were similar, but mine. The patrons here wore plain-eque white masks and chatted among each other, no dancing yet. All i did was walk around and looked at the crowd.

However, a hush came across the crowd as a young man approached me. He looked my age and was fairly strapping and handsome to boot. If i were in my teens again, I'd probably swoon and go crazy. That's the thing about serving the queen, we stop aging at a certain point, and thats in my twenties. Anywho, even though i had never met this man, he felt....familiar....and warm.

He gave me a lovely smile and bowed in a gentlemanly fashion, to which i responded with a proper lady-like curtsy. He wore a unique mask. The frame was dark grey, had a long nose piece, was embroidered with gold, and has aqua blue tints in the eyeholes to mask his eyes.

He offered his hand in a gesture to ask me for a dance. I couldn't help but smile at him, it really felt like i knew him and wanted to dance with him. I took his hand and we waltzed together on the floor, spotlight on us and everything as the crowd faded into the darkness.

.....just me....and one else....

Up closer, i could make out a few new details. His hair was white and scruffy, his figure was fit, but not muscular not buff, more like a lean sort of figure. His hands were gentle as well as his foot work. He was graceful and charming as can made my heart race.

This all came to an abrupt close when he was about to kiss me, much to my aggravation. However, i took this dream as a sign that i was supposed to meet this man at a ball one day. Doubt started to set in however, making me think i was being foolish and desperate...but it felt so real.....

"VENUS!!" shouted Mars on teh communicator.

"WHAGH!! U-uhm yes mars! Sorry, i was deep in thought over something!" I replied.

"No time for that, the man i seen in my vision....hes stepping through the fog not too far from me. I'm gonna go engage him, and possibly end all this!" Mars said, all fired up.

"Don't you need back-up??" I asked.

"Probably, how long will it take you guys?" She asked.

"We're fairly spread out, ping your location and we'll get there ASAP!" I said.

She nodded and did so. I swapped over to the map and seen her location. It would be a while, however we can cut through faster from above. I gestured jupiter and mercury to follow me and to relay the message to the others as we made our way there.

I hope mars can handle herself.....this whole thing with the demons and all is grim....

what kind of power does he have?

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