Chapter 77: a knight's noble deed

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As i stood there on the rooftop of the crystal palace with me and my family, i felt something was wrong and it was eating at me something fierce.

"What is it darling?" Asked Endymion.

"Yeah, what's wrong mom?" Asked usagi.

"Something isn't right...." i said plainly, staring into the city.

"What do you mean?" Endymion asked.

"There's a strange energy that they're battling against.....something both familiar and new...." i said, staring ahead.

"A strange energy? Familiar and ne- what on earth are you talking about, mom??" My daughter asked.

"''s hard to explain, but i feel like I've felt this presence before. Like....a ghost from the past...." i said solemnly.

The two gave me a look of confusion.

It feels like chaos's presence, but that's impossible! Chaos was defeated years ago! Either that, or something similar has come into play with powers like hers, but on a different level.

Ever since all this has happened, everything has felt kind of strange and aloof. The atmosphere, the circumstances, everything is just so bizzare! However, this feeling is much more different.....this one is of dread, terror, destruction, and....chaos.

Did she.....somehow revive?

I rose my staff and casted a levitation spell to grant myself flight.

"Mom?!" Usagi exclaimed.

"Stay here with your father, i am going to figure out what on earth this is!" I said as i flew away from the palace.

The city....its in shambles.....
Abominized from what i once knew.....
Bodies litter the streets below....

I felt these from the palace, but never seen the aftermath. It's sickening and cruel what has become of my people. To be fed to monsters they can't hope to defeat.

A true nightmare.....

What's even worse is that this is all on the shoulders of a young man, who didn't know this would happen and was ultimately tricked into causing all of this.

The pain and worry he must feel....i could only fathom it.

Suddenly, a loud boom was heard and the ground shook violently below. Did they fell a large demon? Did pandora fall and hit the ground hard? I cannot tell what is going on. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing.

I turned on my communicator and tried to contact each guardian.

"Hey, are you there? It's me! Serenity! Can you hear me? Hello!" I said into the device.

I waited for a minute or two, but no response.

I changed the station to the knights communicators.

"Hello! Calling all knights! Do you hear me? It's your queen! Queen serenity! Please answer!" I said into the device.

I waited yet again for a response.....but, nothing came forth.

A sinking feeling started to set in about all of this. Surely the monster didn't defeat all of them at once! They're all strong individually and with all of them together, they should have defeated pandora and her demons.....right?

I would hear san yell something and several energy blasts were heard, followed by a crashing sound. Tracing the sound, i would see an imp-like demon standing over him and blood everywhere. The demon looked injured itself, but started to heal.

This chaotic energy, it was coming from this?!

I landed on the rooftop, raised my staff, and conjured a beam of light, striking it directly in the chest, sending it tumbling across the roof.

I would walk towards San with the silver jewel in one hand, staff in another, ready to finish this and save the world of this dark veil.

"You cannot defeat this sort of being by your means captain San." I said walking towards him.

"Your....majesty?" He weakly replied.

I looked down at him in horror. He had several stab wounds on him and was bleeding heavily. I had to act fast.

"You vile being from another world. You do not belong here! Your darkness will be cast back to whence it came!" I said, holding up my staff and casting another spell in the shape of raining sparkles.

The demon writhed and screeched in pain, before howling with laughter as it started to turn to nothing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked sternly, having my guard up.

"Pandora has already perished and only i remain! She was a magnificent tool for my lord and i have already carried out my purpose...." it said cryptically.

"What are you talking about?"

"Things are only going to get worse from here.....he will have them in his possession....and you know what I'm referring to...."

"Who is this"he"? Answer me!" I shouted.

I was only met with it's haunting cackling and it vanishing, leaving me with even more questions than answers.

I would then rush to San's side and propped his head up on my lap.

"Rest now, let me heal you." I said, bringing the jewel close to him.

He, however, would gently push it away.

"The world and people first, then me...." he said, coughing up blood.

"San...." i said, trying not to cry.

"My queen....was i a good knight?"

" of the best."

"My queen? Are you there?"

"Yes, i am."

"It's getting darker all of a sudden....did i do what's right?"

"Yes....valiantly and selflessly....."

"My queen? Are you there?"

"Yes, i am here."

"I can no longer hear or see you, tell the princess thank you."

"I will...."

"My queen...."


"I tired.....i"

He would slowly fall limp in my arms, pulse gone.....his life has ended.
I hate this.....
He didn't have to die but....he wanted to fix what he did wrong and something feels like he knew he would die......

I laid him down on the ground gently, his blood on my dress. I would then raise both staff and silver jewel to the sky and put everything i had into them to purify the dark veil.

The fog would swirl and twist, a loud, roaring wind would be heard......before i knew it....light became day.....

The dark gone....
Pandora is gone.....
San "Solar Knight" Manfred, died for all of this....

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