Chapter 10: my mother Tamono R

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As I walked through the fog, I was greeted to opened farm lands and countryside. I looked back at Sven who was on the other side. He stepped forward, but stopped midway before he even touched the barrier, shaking his head 'no'.

"No telling what would happen if I crossed over. I'd prefer to keep everything in tact if you catch my drift. " he said smiling casually with his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"Well, why not look for the senshi? Maybe they could help? " I said.

"Look for the senshiiii maybe they can heeeelp-are you insane?! They've been killing demons all day! They'd kill me on sight if I crossed into their plane of view! " he said.

"That's kinda what 'kill on sight' means.... " I said.

"You know what I mean! " he said, then sighed. "Look, I already know your scent. So I'll tell ya what I'll do. I'll lay low and avoid those chicks, until you return. When ya do return, I'll find ya and we'll get back to figuring this stuff out if ya want, ok? Besides, the girls probably are fixing all this anyway." he said.

"Hopefully if they do, you can still stick around. " I said.

His smile sort of went to a neutral look and looked down for a moment, then looked up sighing.

"To be honest, that's one of my many nagging thoughts about all this. Will I just, poof back into hell or just..... Be transparent and unknowing to the populace? Haaaaa just thinking about it makes my mood turn sour. Catch ya later man." He said waving and walking away.

"I'll see ya round.... " I said waving, watching him, become less visible from the other side.

I walked along the quiet dirt road, passing field after field. It was dark out, with the moon full up above giving light to the road. I needed to find out how to fix all this but, I'm not strong enough to even defend myself. If I kept relying on Sven, he'd probably give out and die eventually from strain or get killed by demons. He had one weakness that might be plausible.

When he uses his smoke powers, he has to breathe a certain way. The bigger the attack, the more breath it requires to use. The more complex the attack, the more focus is needed to use the attack, as well as breathing. If I'm correct, then if he ever attacks over and over, he'd eventually hyperventilate and be unable to attack.

Geez I'm rambling in my own friggin head outta boredom. This road is so quiet and empty, I feel like I'mma bout to be jumped!

As soon as I came across an off beaten path, I seen a flash of fox tails. I froze up and looked down the path. There were arches, that seem to lead to a shrine or something. I decided to follow them, taking the new-found path.

Bamboo shoots surrounded the path that I walked, blocking some moon light, but not all of it. I'm concerned about the fox tails, but I feel like I know the tails from somewhere. Once I got to the clearing, I was indeed greeted by a shrine..... But was then surrounded by what seemed to be guards, wielding spears and swords.

I threw my hands up without a word and didn't move. Out of the frying pan and into the fire for me it seemed. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"PUT DOWN YOUR ARMS! HE'S ONE OF US!! " said a familiar female voice in inarian tongue.

One of the guards lit a lantern and shined it on my face. He then began to cry.

"Our brother has come home! " the guard said.

"Dentwixt? Marchiel? Montur?? You're guards now?? " I said shocked.

As stated before, I was raised by the inarians. These three in particular, used to be hellraisers in the village, ironically they're guards now. I didn't get caught in their antics however, but i did hang out with them when they weren't getting in trouble. We weren't that close per say, just good friends.

The female in question lit the lanterns on the poles so she was completely visible. She had long flowing white hair, fit, and worn priestess garb. Her soft, welcoming eyes twinkled in the moonlight as she looked at me.

"Welcome home son.... " she said before crying and giving me a hug.

"Mom, I missed you.... I was so alone... " I said crying as well.

"I know baby boy, shhhhh. I didn't expect your sister to leave you by yourself soon after the tribe moved here! What was she thinking?? I ought to swat her on the rear for this!" She said, hugging me tighter.

Tomono, she's the village's head priestess and leader figure. She keeps everyone in line on behalf of the elders. She's kind, strongwilled, and loved by all the vule folk. Except, she can be a bit much.....

"HOW DARE YOU POINT WEAPONS AT MY PRECIOUS SANNY BOY!! " Tomono shouted at the guards.

"W-we're sorry chief priestess! It won't happen again!" They said, standing at attention and clearly shaking in their armor.


"YES CHIEF PRIESTESS!! " they shouted back and bolted for the entrance, clearly terrified of mom.

I got out of her hug and crossed my arms, giving her a look of disapproval.

"I'm sorry sweety, mommy is just protective of you is all!" She said smiling.

I continued to give her the look, till she signed in defeat.

"Haaaaa I know, you're all grown up....I'm sorry dear....I'll try to mother less. " she said smiling weakly.

"Heheh, it's good to be home again...." I said.

When me and sis were younger, we would run around the village without a care in the world, pretending to be super heroes. Mom was the leader and was well trusted by all, so we could live such carefree lives. During our late teens, me and sis came across a huge stash of "Sailor V" manga in a library dumpster bin. Since then, we became addicted to the hero sailor V and aspired to become like her....well, morals wise and all on my part cuz I'mma dude. Sis on the other hand....her fandom became a huge problem, needless to say, the local witch doctor/psychologist, Kyubi, had to do several psychological sessions with her to fix the issue.

We went inside the main house and she bombarded me with questions most moms ask. Did you eat properly? Have you found a mate yet? Are you brushing your teeth daily? Those kinds of questions. I answered every one of them...... But when she asked me about how I got here..... Well.... Things went south fast.

"MY BABIES ARE FIGHTING DEMONS?!" She said nearly flipping the table, as she jolted up standing.

"I'm fine mom! Sis is probably fine too! " I said.

"Probably?! I know she's a senshi and all, and she has strong friends but, DEMONS?! THAT'S WORSE THAN THE OTHER MONSTERS THEY'VE FOUGHT!! " she shouted.

A loud knock on the wood was heard and mom froze up. She looked in the direction of the sound.

"G... Grand elder hoshi...." She said.

"All this was predetermined young lady..... Your children were born with a purpose..... Especially him... He's destined to change the galaxy and beyond, for the gods have told me in my visions and slumber... " he said pointing at me with his pipe

"Er....grand elder hoshi....have you been keeping tabs on your medicine?" Mom asked.

"Why yes i have, why?"

"Because, no offense, but that was completely out of the blue...."

"Are you disrespecting your elder??"

"N-n-no! I was meaning that, why did you just say that right now of all times?.....and when did you get here?"

The old man sat down and sighed.

"That necklace of his glowed this morning. The one he was supposed to inherit ages ago. Its time to cut the strings, its time...." He said.

"Time for what??" I asked, confused.

".......time for you to enter the world of the supernatural. Your destiny is to be a warrior against evil!"

"Are you off your rocker old man?!"

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