chapter 73: Dark Veil War - part 3

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I looked around the room, it was seemingly untouched by the demons or even pandora for that matter. I tested the door behind me to see if it would open, just out of curiosity. As i figured, it's shut and locked, but not my normal functional means, more like a force was keeping it closed.

The power must still be out, but.....why is it lit up still? Didn't the whole invasion knock out the power grid??

I looked at the map to the building hanging up at the entrance. I didn't care about the gift shops or whatever else this tower had to offer, i wanted to know how to go up.

Apparently, there's four floors to this thing. There's two routes i could go too....

One being the stairs, which would take waaaay too long.

The other is the elevator.....well....elevators. However, i doubt they even wor-

The elevator doors would creak open and the light would shutter on.

Seeing as there was no better alternative, i boarded the elevator.

The intercom would crackle to life as Pandora's voice was heard on it.

-my dearest Epimetheus, oh how I've longed for this moment of union...-

"I am not, whoever that it. I am San, San Manfred."

-it is not kind to toy with a woman's emotions dear....-

I growled as i stepped off the elevator and walked to the next one, getting on and proceeding to ascend.....and listening to Pandora against my will.

-my lord promised me you and here you are! My beloved in the flesh! The reincarnation of my long lost husband!-

I started to grit my teeth, this was getting on my last nerves.

-do you not believe me? Do you not see it? Perhaps when you get here, you will!-

I would step off and go to the next elevator, dreading my next conversation with her.

-why are you silent? Have you forgotten who i am? That's okay, i can fill you with knowledge when you ge- -


there was silence.

"I'm not going to repeat myself again! I am not your long lost lover or husband or whatever!! I am me!! And nobody decides that for me, got it?! I came here, to fight you and defeat you, so that i can fix the mistake i made!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

She said nothing more after that.

I got off the elevator and proceeded to the next.

It was a quiet ride up, until Pandora broke the silence once more.

-i see.....well when you get up here, maybe you'll change your mind....-

There was nothing more spoke after that. I have had it up to my head with her delusions. I'm ready to beat her down more than ever!

I would walk out onto the fourth floor and see her across from the elevator, on the balcony outside.

Upon closer inspection, i could see what she really looked like. She had long, unkempt purple hair, with light purple skin that comes off as unorganic, like a fleshy wood look. Her eyes were constantly shut, but she can somehow see me. She wore nothing but a tan brown, hoodless cloak (basically a cloth poncho) and that's it. No shoes at all either, barefoot.....which begs the question if she even needs shoes with her fleshly appearance of wood anyways. Her feet probably can walk on broken glass effortlessly.

"Are you impressed darling? I came back for you!" She spoke, excited like a school girl.

I only stared her down.

The carnage outside was going on, and i don't have time for this.

I got into a fighting stance and prepared to attack. Her smile turned into a frown in a matter of seconds.

"I don't remember me and you see me as a monster. Its okay, i do not blame you for assuming me as one." She said flicking her hair to the side.

"You commanded legions of demons to slaughter people and hurt my family and friends in the process! Yet here you are, acting like you've done nothing wrong!" I shouted.

"Dear....its all for you! Necessary evils to make ends meet.....I'd sacrifice everything, including my humanity for you!" She exclaimed.

I started to grit my teeth in anger. I have had enough with her talk.

I leaned forward, channeled my aura into my legs, then zipped towards her, delivering a powerful kick, aiming for her head.....but before i knew it, my foot was caught and her not even flinching.

"A pity....maybe once I've knocked some sense into you, maybe you'll remember who i am...." she said coldly as she flung me across the room.

I would skid my face on the marble floor and tumble before coming to a stop. Once i stood up, my face burned from skidding on it. The temptation to heal it was there, but i have to conserve my energy.

She would start dashing towards me at an alarming rate of speed. Right when i was gonna load a bead on my fingertip, i seen her left leg move, so i immediately went into defense mode, ready to block a kick from her left leg. I barely manage to block the kick in time with aura reinforcing my arms, because had it have been a normal block, my arms would have snapped like twigs from the sheer amount of force behind it.

My footing, however, was blown away as i was sent tumbling again. When i was able to stand, my arms felt like they were on fire, she probably fractured them and bruised em to hell and back. I was kinda scared to look at em. Deciding to do just enough to get by, i used some energy just to heal em enough to ease the pain a fair bit. I snagged some energy tablets from the hospital wing before all this, but i know that shits delayed, so I'll have to time em right.

She would charge at me from across the room again, however i slapped some paralysis talismans around me, forming barrier of sorts, just so i can line a friggin shot in.

She would step on one, raise a brow, then with a loud zap, she was stunned!! I quickly loaded up a bead, lined up my shot, and channeled extra energy into it. Just as soon as i aimed however, i seen her began to move forward, casually, but slowly.  She's resistant to them?! I fired my shot regardless and hit her chest dead on, sending her tumbling across the ground and into a wall.

"Ha! Eat that you freak!" I shouted.

"Its not nice to call me that....darling." she said in the hole in the wall.

When she stepped out, her chest had a sizable hole in it from where i hit her, but she seemed unphased.....and began to mutate from it....with purple blood and tendrils blooming from the wound.....

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