Chapter 20: Aura Powers R

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I stood there, frozen in a punching stance, shaking like a leaf. When the adrenaline wore off, I came to a realization that I just killed a man. I couldn't move, talk, or anything I was just standing there like a statue, traumatized by what happened.

Mom noticed this and gently placed her hands on my shoulders, before gently cradling me into a hug.

"My brave brave sanny..... Shhhhh.... Mommy's here... " she said soothingly.

"Mom.... I.... I. Killed someone... " I said trembling.

"You did it to protect everyone... It's all over... " she said.

"He..... He.... Killed three of my friends.... Said... He wanted to force you and sis to be his mates.... Kill me.... And the elder..... And..... Send the soldiers in, only to have them killed off while he did all that..... " I said on the verge of crying.

"Clearly he was plotting this for a long time. Probably before San even became one of us. Despicable.... Utterly despicable...... Warriors, give the fallen soldiers in training a proper military funeral.... As for grimmer.... Toss him into the fog.... He'd curse our soil with such malice. " the elder said.

The warriors nodded and carried off his carcass. Warriors are the strongest of the vulepkin military. Not only do they utilize photon shields, plasma pistols, and vibro swords, but also have been trained to the bone to deal with any threats. They probably would have mopped the floor with Grimmer had they have been here sooner.

I cried into mom's arms and she helped me calm down.

"To be honest San, had you not jumped in front of us, i would have sliced him to pieces....that bastard deserved to die..." She said coldly.

"Mom....." I uttered.

"Shhhhh....its okay baby boy, I'm here...." She said as she wrapped me in her arms, holding me closely.

Later when we walked back to the village, I seen the warriors walk over to the fog's edge. They tossed him in there as though he were nothing. Only his lower half was visible, but not for long. Something dragged the rest of him in swiftly, and blood splattering the ground.

At the village I was treated for my injuries by the healers of the village. I burned my training clothes and so did the other two guys I trained with. I never caught their names, they just split off into the village, never speaking about what happened in the forest. They did however attend the funeral for the ones that were killed....however, i could tell that they were mentally destroyed....traumatised.....they looked like zombies to be honest with eyes wide open and zero expression on their faces. Our witch doctor is probably going to put them under treatment soon.

It was pretty traditional, they were awarded for bravery and brought up a few rankings as well. They then lit the wood under them, setting them ablaze. A family cried that day, a young widow and a few left a sour feeling in my stomach.... I could only imagine the sorrow they heart goes out to the ones that lost a family member and friend......

That night, I couldn't sleep. I kept my electric lantern lit constantly. Mom came in later and brought me some warm tea. She didn't speak much, neither did I. We both felt the heaviness, the whole village felt it.... It was like a nightmare to everyone, like a beast just tore through and left....we are a family like that, this village. We were closely knitted like that, but apparently not close enough to see the bad seed.

The next day was quiet, a lot of people didn't want to go into the woods for anything really. The elder gathered everyone to the main house, to make an announcement.

"Yesterday, we lost good men.... Brave men at that.... They only wanted to be brave warriors and help with the chaos that's going on still. We as vule folk feel the betrayal, we feel the pain and sadness of loss, when it affects one, it affects all of us!.... San, kartright, nethaneal..... These three were very blessed and fortunate. San defeated the very evil that lurked under our noses. Which is why I believe he's our beacon of hope! He has a supernatural power, a strong aura that he can manipulate and fight with! Those who were there, you seen it! With a single blow, he took down teh behemoth known as grimmer!" The elder said.

People in the audience started to murmur and talk among each other.

"My son is very brave and strong. Those boys that lived, told me that San fought Grimmer with everything he had. He gave them time to reach the village and alert us to him. Upon arrival, my son zipped in front of us and delivered the finishing blow! " mom stated.

"Though we cannot afford to send any men out into the fog, since the whole grimmer incident. I believe we should aid San in the best of ways." The elder said.

"Whoa whoa whoa. I just dealt with grimmer and now you're tossing me into the fog alone?! " I said.

"You came out alive, you defeated a trained inarian who's the size of a bear with a single punch to the chest, and even put up with his training even though he clearly was targeting you because of his racial ways..... And yet you doubt yourself? My dear boy, one doesn't just survive the heart of a demonic invasion, come out of it, and take out a beast of a man all within a week." He said.

"The fact of the matter is that you're sending me back there with zero help! And all because i took out grimmer?! Y'all could have gunned him down yourselves easily! Stop treating me like a Messiah or something and give me help dammit!!" I shouted.

There was a hush on the crowd and some murmuring. Something tells me that they didn't like that i yelled at the elder, but he's clearly off his rocker!!

"I agree, i cannot let my son go out alone. I shall go with him!" Said mom.

"No lady tomono! You haven't seen combat in years! " said someone from the audience.

"I'm not letting my baby go alone! It's not right! " said mom.

"When you put it that way young man....alright, we shall send you with our elites tomorrow! Rest easy and let us prepare you a backpack full of supplies you'll need!" The elder said.

"Now thats more like it, thank you...." I said with an exhausted, yet frustrated tone.

"I'm going too!" Said mom

"Mom, stay here. I love you, I don't want anything to happen to you... " I said.


I looked at her smiling.

"I'll be fine, I promise! Don't worry about a thing. When all this is over, I want a big meal in celebration of my success! My favorite tri-stag dinner i always love to eat!" I said with a reassuring smile.

She looked down, then to the side.

"Be careful..... My baby boy.... Look out for sis too.... My pups.... Growing up too fast.... " she said solemnly.

That very same night, I woke up from a nightmare....or was it a vision of some sorts? I seen the earth slowly turn dark purple....then black....then fall apart into nothing. It wasn't a loud boom or anything, just pure silence as i viewed it all from space or something. I couldn't say anything, i couldn't move, just floating helplessly, watching everything i knew and love just turn to dust. As i woke up, i was in a cold sweat and panting heavily. I'd look out my window and knew what i had to do. I got dressed and put on my favorite coat, before hopping out the window quietly, because mom was still asleep.

Sneaking out of the village was quite easy, given that i know the guards' routines and where would be the best place to slip out. Said location, wasn't a location i wanted to revisit so soon, and it was the very forest me and grimmer fought in. I didn't waste any time running through those, now, accursed woods. I had to deal with the PTSD gained from the events that transpired there.

I couldn't let anyone else follow me into that cursed fog. Nobody else should have to pay for my mistake. If i sneaked out tonight and get a jump ahead of everyone, maybe i can stop Pandora before they go in? Its wishful thinking, but i have to try! I don't care if its a stupid decision or not!

Eventually, i would exit the woods and take the dirt road to the fog. Once i got to it, it was rather intimidating and ominous. It's tall as the eye can see and as wide as one could imagine.

I took a deep breath and stepped through the fog and to the other side.....

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