Chapter 58: office of horror

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Me, moro, xylu, daisuke, venus, and Mars  were on our way to the abandoned office building we were told to go to and defeat the demon general that resides there. We were stalled by a giant boar demon who talked way too loud, but we quickly dealt with him easily. We were now back on route to our destination.....with a long walk ahead.

Soon, my mind began to wander and become restless from all the silence. My friggin brain cells were trying to fill in the boredom with meaningless crap and old commercial jingles that, some i liked and adored, and some that crawled under my skin.

Daisuke, however, started to fill in the boredom by flying around aimlessly and humming to herself.

"Daisuke daisuke needs some candy! Daisuke daisuke needs some candy to chew chew chew, yay!" She would chant to herself in a sing-song fashion.

I couldn't help, but smile and hum along.

"Candy candy is so sweet sweet! Boy oh boy do i find it neat! Sweet sweet sweet is the candy candy treat!" Xylu chimed in with lyrics of his own.

Venus would clap cheerfully along to them singing. Moro was smiling during it all, as well as Mars.

Before we knew it, we made it to the office building we were told about.

It looked like any office building, tall and dull, with many windows. There was the demonic flare to it however, with fleshy growths on the side of the building, some broken and bloodied windows, and signs of demon carnage with the usual blood and corpses that I've grown used to.....which is disturbing on its own that i am used it.

Any normal person would be terrified and appalled by the scene, but this is all common place at this point. The girls and the others were disgusted by it i mentally scarred in a way that I'm just totally numb to it all?

"Let's be careful when entering....there's no telling what this demon has in store. San, remember to use your sutras against it. They're highly effective tools against demons." Mars said, looking at me.

I nodded in response.

"Guys, keep a tight formation and keep your ears and eyes peeled for an ambush." I said to my trio.

They nodded in response and got closer to us as we entered the building.

The place was a total mess, with destroyed desks, blood splatters, and debris decorating the place. It was like a hurricane blew through and left nothing behind.

As we investigated the room we were in, i began placing sutras all over the place so that, if she tries to ambush us, it would trigger the sutra and blast em with whatever element it was.

Finding no signs of a demon being on that floor, we proceeded to the next floor, being quiet as we did. The second floor had a hole in the center of it, leading to the first floor that we somehow overlooked. Nonetheless, we proceeded to investigate the floor.

The second floor garnered nothing fruitful for the investigation. All that we found was dried up blood, corpses that had signs of being here for at least a few days, and debris all over the place. Much like the floor we just investigated.

Suddenly, there was a creak upstairs to the next floor. Something just moved, which means the slit mouthed woman must be waiting to ambush us....or is just waiting for us to find her.

She must know that we are here.....

We exchanged looks and gestures to figure out what to do, but no matter how you go about it, there's only one way up and one way down. Either way, she will see us and attack, so it's best to just face her head on.

Daisuke was hiding in moro's hoodie hood, shivering in fear, despite helping brutally kill the slit mouthed woman before. Xylu was trembling as well, staying behind Moro, who wasn't scared at all. I guess she's still scary to them. In their defense, however, she does have that freaky mouth, eyes, and carries a huge pair of sheers's understandable.

We would come to the third floor and there she sat in a lady-like posture on a desk.

"Well well well, righty has come back for round two i see." The slit mouthed woman snickered.

"First of all, it was my right arm, so lefty!" I protested.

"Dude, i think she cut off your left...." moro said plainly.

"Are you....are you really debating on which arm?? Isn't that traumatic??" Mars said, rather grossed out.

"Meh." I said in response, to which mars sighed, annoyed.

"Well, you hunted me down and i was expecting you. I tried to tidy up a bit, but you didn't give me time! How rude!" The slit mouthed woman snarked.

"Don't even go there about rude, you butcher innocents! Cruel woman!" I said angrily.

"By the didn't answer me before.....or at least, not wholly.....tell me, am i-" she began to say before i cut her off.

"No! You're hideous and deserve to be slain! In the name of the crystal family, I'll slay you!" I said, striking a pose.
"The queen will sue." Said Mars and venus.

"Oh, bite me!"

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