chapter 76: fall of pandora - part 3

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Before we charged in for the attack, we came up with a decent game plan in the time crunch we had before she made a move. She is a giant after all, so she was slow, but highly destructive.

Teguma and hikaru would be our air support, dishing out damage to the face and possibly freezing the beast's mouth shut.

Long ranged fighters, such as me, mars, inari, neptune, and pluto would focus our fire on the knee joints and try to repel any attacks from the limbs, albiet the arms and legs respectively.

The melee fighters will close in and try to attack the ankles and heel to get it to stagger and fall. Hopefully if the anatomy works like most humanoid monsters, once the heel is cut, she will fall.

"Alrighty team! You know what to do so let's show the senshi what we can do as one!" I shouted.

They all yelled and cheered as they got in position.

"Let's back em up ladies!" Venus yelled.

The inner senshi all shouted in agreement.

"We're gonna tear this monster down!" Uranus shouted.

The outers would let out a battle cry.

We would grow closer to the monster and it would try and charge another beam, but teguma, mercury, and hikaru would fly up to it and freeze its mouth shut. The hair things, however, would begin to fire beams at them, trying to shoot teguma down, but he was much more swift and agile than their aim. It was clear that this monster was new to it's own abilities.

When it tried to swipe at us with it's right hand, tamono, Uranus, and Venus would block and repel it with their swords, making it recoil and lose its balance a bit, making it's hand bleed in the process.

Something unexpected happened though. The droplets of it's blood would turn into zombie sort of blob monsters, and many were coming at us, blocking the melee team's progress.

"I've got these freaks man!" Sven said, puffing on his whisper wood branch and unleashing a barrage of smokey missiles that seemingly homed in and blew up each blob zombie, clearing a path for the melee team, which resumed progress.

"I-i'll help too!" Xylu cried, going into the shadows and zipping around, slicing up the zombie blobs too.

Me, Sis, Mars, pluto, and neptune would begin to unleash hell on the monster's joints and torso, to get it to lose balance and fall. Hitting it with energy shots, charged bead shots, fire balls, streaks of dark-like energy, and torrents of water.

The melee team, Moro, Daisuke, Tamono, Uranus, saturn, and Venus would begin to cut at its ankles. Each time they caused it to bleed, sven would shoot some, and xylu would zip around and help with crowd control.

We were absolutely overwhelming the monster.....until something else unexpected happened.

It opened it's huge, bloodshot eye, something i didn't even know it had. It must have finished its awakening just now. It got on all fours and sent out a constant wave of transparent energy and howled. Teguma, mercury, and hikaru would crash to the ground below, while everyone else, including me, all pf a sudden collapsed from the waves it emitted. My ears only heard a droning noise along with the roar and my body feeling like a chunk of lead.

Were we just downed that quickly?! We were so close!

I felt a warmth from my forehead and a surge of energy. That lipstick stain was still there and protecting me! I struggled to stand and charged up a bead shot to its fullest.

"No....whatever you are.....YOU WILL PERISH HERE!! IN THE NAME OF THE CRYSTAL FAMILY AND ALL THAT IS GOOD, I WILL SLAY YOU!!" I shouted before firing the shot right at it's eye.

The eye and head would explode in a bloody display, sending all that purple crap everywhere as it writhed in pain and collapsed.

The weight was gone, but everyone else was unconscious. I knew that this wasn't over, and i had to double tap the monster to make sure it was definitely dead.

I walked over to it and searched it's body for a "core" or heart of some sorts by channeling my aura into my eyes. While searching however, some sort of imp bursted from it's chest and drove its claws into my chest. The force was so great, we were both sent flying into the sky.

This is it, I'm going to die, but that's okay, i have this thing right where i want it!

I grabbed it's arms to keep it in place while we flied through the air.

"Gotcha bitch!!" I shouted as i shot the thing repeatedly with beads all over, until we landed.

Upon landing, i felt the wind being knocked out of me and the feeling of bleeding out.

The creature would wobble as it stood up and started to regenerate. It was apparent that my attacks did nothing to it. From what i could also tell, is that, this isn't pandora anymore, it was a being of pure malice and destruction.

It was just a smaller, man sized version of the giant we took down, exact copy nearly.  However, it looked like it wasn't fully developed to have the beam and everything it's bigger counterpart had.

I couldn't do anything though, i was at my limit and couldn't heal myself anymore.....

There was a sudden beam of light that stuck the imp and sent it flying to the other end of the roof.

"You cannot defeat this sort of being by your means captain San." Said a familiar voice.

A pair of footsteps would approach, and it was queen serenity herself, holding both her staff and a sparkling, silver jewel!

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