Chapter 12: day 1

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First day of training, endurance....

We all stayed in a tent, near the military training grounds. It wasn't much, wasn't even ventilated. Sargeant Grimmer said it was "to build up endurance overnight". Least it had a door in the front and a roof overhead. I was also told that the tent was just now set up a few days ago in reaction to the ever growing fog. I guess they wanted to cram train recruits or something, just in case the actual warriors of the tribe fell, and need to use the new recruits as a last resort. Its kinda effed up once ya think about it, but i don't run things.

Once he woke us up with that damned trumpet of his, we got up, gotten dressed, and headed out to the training grounds.

I didn't have time to get to know my fellow trainees names, because grimmer pushed us to the bone.

He had us do laps around the camp, followed by swimming back and forth from one side of the local lake to the other, then had us do a jogging/hiking exercise in the mountains.

This sort of training reminded me of the kind of training that i did with my sister, back when we were significantly younger and in a martial arts dojo. Our master was kind and understanding, Grimmer was not.

"Pick up your feet, Manfred!" He shouted.

"I'm....haa....haaa....trying...haa...sir!" I replied. My body was on fire and was at it's limit. Bastard wouldn't let us have a break, and the only way i got any water, was during the swimming exercise we did.

"Sir, with all due respect, he is a hu-" said a fellow trainee, before grimmer stopped on a dime and back fisted him to the ground, yelping from the pain.

"I don't give a damn that he's human! This is a serious exercise! If he falls, he falls! You see that friggin fog over there!? It's growing and so is whatever lies within! We are only given a week! So strap up and shut up, you peons!!" He yelled.

"Sir yes sir!" We all said in response.

During that brief moment of stopping, the pain set in as it felt like my whole body had swollen twice its size, especially my feet. I was burning up too and out of breath, like i was walking in an inferno.

However, he is right. The demon population is only growing, and it's not like they'd give me a break either. I would suddenly gained my second wind, and resumed the training for the day, knowing that this would be the increase in strength i needed.

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