Chapter 26: All Out Brawl- R

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The first tengu dashed at teguma first, but tomono caught him with her blade by the chest and deflected his attack, causing him to go spiraling into an alley, hitting everything on the way down.

Another would try and catch mom by surprise, but sven would blast him with a smokey missile, sending him tumbling across the rooftop.

One of the tengu looked at mom and he would gasp in shock.

"Is that.... A KITSUNE?! " he said out loud.

They all would gasp and murmur, before they all began to kneel before her.

"O-oh u-uhm.... " said mom.

"Ehhh her tails not fluffy enough." Said sven, who got back handed by mom and sent flying.

"Dumbass...." i said with a sigh.

"Hold on, doesn't a kitsune have more tails?" Said Sven, who somehow came back.

"Wait..... So she's not a kitsune.... WHY ARE WE BOWING FOR?! " they said getting back up to fight.

"DUMBASS!!!" I shouted at him.

"I know not why you aid me, but i am very grateful that you are." Teguma said.

"I respect anyone that stands up for good beliefs and virtues while facing ridiculous odds. Like I'm gonna sit by and let a good guy like you get ganged up on and most likely killed!" I said with a smile and a thumbs up.

If he could smile, I'm sure he did, because he gave me, what i assume to be, an approving look.

"Hollow bullet! " he said as he cupped his hands and unleashed a transparent ball of wind at one of them. When it connected, the demon clutched it's gut as though it were punched there. He then followed up by swooping towards him and finishing him off with a palm strike to the chest, knocking him out on the spot.

Tomono took on another tengu, this one tried to punch, kick, and even peck at her, but she nimbly dodged them and with one swift motion, she cut the demon in half, sending blood everywhere as the halved corpse fell to the ground.

I took on one of them. I used my aura to block his attacks that were fierce. When I seen an opportunity, I side stepped one of his kicks and palm struck his knee, snapping it in two. While he was yelling in pain, I finished him off with a throat punch.

Another would grapple me from behind, grabbing his katana from his hilt. However, i channeled my aura into my muscles and threw him over my shoulder, slamming him into the ground hard. I would use his own katana and finished him off with a chest stab.

Sven decided to flex and take on the remainder tengu, which was three. He sent smoke missiles after them, however, given that they rule the air with flight, they dodged them. He then tried smokey fists, he knocked out one of them, but the other two came at him. Sven darted away from them at surprising speed, avoiding their hits.

Tomono would see this and sheathe her blade, then twisted it a bit, then electrical energy started to spark from the hand guard of the katana.

"Statica blitz!! " she shouted, drawing the sword. Upon drawing the sword, she sent out a blast of lightning bolts at the two, and shocked them mid air. They then fell to the ground, smoking.

"Phew! Thanks for saving my ass tomo! " sven said, rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed.

Mom looked down and shook her head.

"My appreciation could not be summed up in mere words! Thank you so much!" teguma said, putting his hands together and bowing.

"It's no problem! My son over here suggested we help you! ....and sven don't call me tomo...." said mom.

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