Chapter 13: day 2

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Today's training is assembly, specifically with inarian firearms and other forms of weaponry. According to grimmer, he wants us to learn each individual part so that if something jams or breaks, we can replace the part with what we have in our field toolkits. Each soldier, apparently, gets a toolkit with the bare essentials to fix one's weapons, with tools, miscellaneous parts that match the weapons, a small canister of oil, and a few ion batteries to recharge our weapons.

Gun after gun.....
Spear after spear.....
Blade after blade....

I spent a majority of the day in one spot, going through various weapons. We weren't allowed to sit, we were told to stand, until our lot was done, and even then, I'm sure that old bastard has something else cooked up to make my life miserable.

One of the staff passed out the daily paper, that we were allowed to read, because grimmer believed that information and being wary of what's going on, is utmost important.

The paper read as follows....

"Mysterious fog has warranted outside military help! World is in disarray at the possibility of the fog's growth rate!"

"Japanese refugees barely escape the fog, but have lost many loved ones and homes in the process!"

"Other countries are reluctant to aid in Japan's efforts against the fog, fearing that a war against the creatures would make things worse, and increase growth wait. They are, however, on standby."

"Japanese military forces have not reported from inside the fog. Many fear the worst has happened, and that their forces are wiped out."

Those were the only main articles i could really glance at and read, while i was working on a rifle. All before a massive hand slapped the table i was working at, causing me to jump a bit and look at who done it.

Of course, it was the asshole, Grimmer with a cigar in his mouth.

"Reading the paper eh? Pretty gruesome stuff, huh? And you wonder why i was pushing yall yesterday. A week is all we get, before that fog gets too close for comfort ya know...." he said as he puffed on his cigar, puffing smoke in my face on purpose.

"I understand that sir...." i replied, coughing a bit.

"Well apparently, your mother isn't grateful that I'm taking time outta my life, to even screw with training your weakling ass. She filed a fuggin complaint. Said, she seen poor little you, nearly dying of exhaustion and dehydration, along with other nonsensical guess what, half pint?"

"Yes.....sir?" I said with an audible gulp.

"You're gonna be on lighter duty today."

I would be lying if i said that i felt some form of relief and grateful for his mercy. But i knew better than to think that.....

Next thing i knew, i found myself in the armory with a stack of polishing kits.

"I expect all of these to be shining like the sun by morning...." he said with a growl.

"It will be done, sir...." i said, as i grabbed a nearby rifle and began to work on it.

"Let's get one point clear, Manfred. I despise your sorry ass, your late father, and your kind in general. Prince of the Inarians....." he said as he spit on me.

I wiped off the spit and resumed working.

"You're only a 'prince' through adoption on your father's part. You're not even blood to them! An outcast! A mongrel, brought into OUR village, OUR soil, OUR territory!" He shouted.

"We're a nomadic tribe, sir."

I was suddenly met with the back side of his hand, as i was sent, tumbling across the floor. Luckily it was a backhand strike, if it were his fist, my skull would have been mush.

As i slowly stood up, under alot of pain that i wasn't going to give the satisfaction of him seeing, the inside of my mouth tasted of blood and my teeth were jagged. I looked to the floor and seen fragments of my teeth. I would then look at him with anger.

"Gimme an excuse, you human filth! I'll gladly put you in your place, whether on a medical bed or in a casket!" Grimmer growled.

The turmoil inside me to just deck him or shoot his ass would rage on. That is until i realized, it would jeopardize my goal in defeating pandora.

"I'm...shlorry....thir....." i said with a slurred speech, due to the swelling setting in on my mouth.

I would then sit down and resume working.

"You'd better be...if your mother sends another complaint, I will cut your training short, and throw your ass in the fog!" He said with a snarl, before slamming the door shut.

I'd later call my mother and asked her to not send any more complaints in respectfully and that this is my struggle and mine alone. I could tell that she wasn't happy to hear it, but she understood. Luckily, she didn't catch onto my slurring and that i was in a room to myself so no one could spread anything about my condition......

I would sleep in that very same room, out of exhaustion.....

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