chapter 74: fall of pandora part - 1

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The tendrils would writhe and fester around her chest injury i made, filling it in and starting to spread all over her body. She slowly mutated into a hulking, humanoid beast of wriggling, moving tendrils. The only thing that remained of pandora that even looked semi-normal was her head, hair, and face.

She would curiously look at her new form and limbs, making sounds as she moved them around and manipulated the tendrils.

"My my, look what you've done dear.....because you have decided to resist, i have became something rather unsightly! However, i am still me! Now.... stop with your antics and come to me!!" She shouted as she slung her arm, sending dozens of tendrils out to ensnare me.

I focused my energy to my eyes mainly and only the limbs needed to evade the oncoming attack. I managed to dodge all but two of them, which didn't ensnare me, but whipped me into a wall.

The pain was immense, the wind was knocked out of me, and where i was hit was burning immensely. I was struck on the left side of my face, middle part of my chest, and left hip to my right thigh, and yes, it hit my groin too, but i felt it all over, so didn't focus on it soley. I'd then feel the bleeding sensation and the blood to accompany it, they must have caused two gashes too.

I would heal my wounds just enough to keep from bleeding out. Juggling between healing, energy management, and going on the offense or defense is definitely frustrating to say the least.

I recalled my bead with a flick of the wrist and caught it. I then got an idea that could probably end this thing all in one shot.

I wrapped the slayer necklace (decided to call it that) around my right hand tightly as one would with cloth before a fist fight. My plan is to mimic the equivalent of a shotgun blast.

I would charge at her, channeling everything I've got into my right hand and the beads. I would try to get close enough to make it count, while evading the tendrils she threw at me....that is until she ensnared me with one and i lost my focus and also the power i had stored up.

She had me by the ankle, before wrapping me in the tendrils. They sort of burned, but it was a dull sensation, like placing your hand on a surface that had a hot pan on it. She would bring me to her and made me eye level with her.

"Oh my me, what have a snatched up? A handsome young man that I'm ever so in love with, that's who!" She said with a giggle.

I growled and bit down on the tendrils, hoping it would cause her to let me go. It didn't however, no matter how hard i clamped down on em.

"I'm sorry dear, but you left me no choice but to brainwash! Your head is filled with lies and deceit....let's fix that...." she said, holding up her hand, which glowed an unnatural blue.

"No! Let me go! Don't you dare!! Psycho!! Psycho bitch!!" I yelled as i squirmed to get free.

Her hand was about a few inches from my head, then suddenly, i seen a instant flash of light and her shriek, recoiling in pain, holding her hand. The tendrils loosened greatly because of this.

"Is that....a lip stick stain?!" She gasped in horror.

I couldn't see it, but i remembered the princess kissing my forehead before the battle.

"Who kissed MY love?! Who placed a blessed kiss on MY darling?! I'LL GUT HER AND MAKE HER SKIN A RUG!!" Pandora shouted, flipping the hell out.

I took the opportunity to blast her with my scatter shot blast by immediately channeling everything into the attack. All i seen was purple blood spray everywhere as i skidded backwards and tumbled across the floor.

My hand stung, but I'm glad i was out of her grasp finally.

I looked back up to see if i actually got her down for the count or not, recalling the beads in the process.

It was silent, until....i heard....weeping....

"I was too late......he found someone to replace me.....they're intimate.....wait....Epimetheus wouldn't do that to me....wait....." she said as she slowly reformed.

She would limp and hobble towards me....or...what was left of her. It was ghastly sight, her face was in pieces with one eye gone, her torso and lower half was held by strips of flesh and bone, and  was missing her left arm. Blood gushing everywhere and painting the ground purple.

"Recite the poem you gave me years ago! The one we know by heart and soul! The one that won my heart over to you! The poem that made me surrender myself to you and marry you!" She shouted.

"I.....I'm not the slightest...." i said in shock.

Her face went from one of fury and anger, to sadness and shock.

"Oh no....what have i done.....i....i attacked an innocent man! And did all this for a lie!? That means....that means....." before she could finish her sentence, she started to scream at the top of her lungs in agony as her body started to writhe and wriggle.

She collapsed on the floor and began to claw at herself and gurgle up purple blood, seemingly fighting.....something within.

She would reach out to me for help as the tendrils slowly began to grow and engulf her.

In horror, i stepped back as far as i could go, before hitting a wall. I panicked as i looked for the door to the awning outside. The creeping mass was within an arm's length before i was able to open the door and go outside.

This was futile however, as glass shattered around me like a bomb went off and i found myself covered in glass, blood, and falling to my doom.

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