chapter 60: I'm alive?

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I woke up to the building in rubble and debris. It had fallen over after the explosions were triggered.

During its fall, we jumped out the opposite side of where it was falling and i guess we all passed out afterwards.

I looked around and seen everyone, as well as them breathing, aside of being banged up from the fall. The dust kinda obscured my vision, so i couldn't tell how injured they were.

There was a constant tapping sound that felt like it came in all directions. It slowly grew louder as it got closer. I wanted to stand up and be ready for a fight, but my body was too tired and sore to move. I guess with the hits i took in the last fight and smacking into some rock really did a number on me.

Then, there was silence....
Not a hush of wind.....
No crickets.....
No birds......
Absolute silence....

I blinked and then there, standing before me was a man with a top hat, coat, and cane to match. He had blacked out eyes, with glowing pupils, and purple veiny scars all over his face and neck area. He wore a wicked smile as he stood over me, as if i were a joke or something lesser than him.

He would then squat to my level for a closer look.

"Boo! think this is a dream, or that you're suffering a concussion induced hallucination, huh?" He spoke.

"After all I've seen so far, this is by far the most normal thing to be honest...." i said honestly.

"Let's just say, that I'm a messenger of sorts....." he said with a wicked smile.

"Oh? How cliche'." I snarked.

He would then slam the end of his cane into the center of my left hand and applied weight to it, making a painful experience. He was banking on my exhaustion to not be able to fight back.

"Cliche' as it may be, but none the more accurate for this see, you're gonna go through a hell that you will never see coming. You will taste death, carnage, pain, suffering beyond what you could ever imagine. You could always try and run away......but not outrun it's maw.....even end yourself here and now, but even in the afterlife, you will feel regret and guilt from doing it the cowards way as you wallow in hell...." he said as he twisted and grinded the cane into my hand.

There was a loud pop as he broke the central bone in my hand. I groaned and gritted my teeth, not willing to give him the satisfaction of a scream or cry in pain.

"Awww did i break one of your metacarpal bones? Maybe two, pray tell?" He said with a smirk.

"Go screw yourself!" I yelled as i notched a bead in my right hand, aimed it at his head, then fired.

Due to being tired and angry, my aim was off and the bead only shot his hat off of his head, revealing dark purple, slick hair that was almost shoulder length.

He growled, lifted his cane, then slammed it down on my wrist and broke it with a sickening crunch.

I couldn't hold back the yell, as it hurt like a bitch. It hurt so bad, in fact, that i was brought to tears.

"There's the pain i wanted to see... all cocky and arrogant, until someone breaks your hand and wrist, hmmm?" He said with a cackle as he lifted his cane off of me.

Piece of bone protruded from the wounds, and there was some blood, but most of the bleeding was internal, turning by hand and wrist into a reddish dark brown color. The pain was agonizing, but i resisted the urge to heal in front of him, because he probably would do it again, just to be a prick.

He checked his pocket watch before closing it and putting it away.

"Anywho, i best be going. Just dread the future kid, its gonna suck ass! Hahahaha!!" He said before he opened a rift of sorts and went through it.

I don't like this guy already. Something tells me that he's a bigger part of the picture, bigger than Pandora by any means.....


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