Chapter 72: Dark Veil War- part 2

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The clash between us and the demons was something heart pounding. It was one thing to fight one or a few of them at a time, but now, it's a sea of them.

Hikaru, Teguma, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn would focus on crowd control, by launching large attacks to break up the crowd. The ones that were singled out or were launched in the air, Me, Mars, Sven, Xylu, and Venus would snipe out with powerful projectile attacks. The rest would focus on the enemies we would miss.

We would use this strategy for the first stretch, but when i looked up to see how far we have gotten in, what seemed to be thirty minutes, give or take, i was shocked and aggravated to see that we haven't gotten far at all, despite our efforts!

Moro growled in frustration.

"Yeah! I know! All this and we haven't moved up much!" I shouted.

"No, not that! Every time we kill them, they respawn at the tower!" He shouted and pointed.

I dreaded even looking at what he was talking about, but i did it anyways.

Sure enough, he was right. Every time we killed one, it turned into a whispy purple cloud that would fly back to the tower, grow darker, then a demon would fall into place at the beginning.

No matter how much we push, no matter how powerful we are, they will just keep coming! Pandora is looking to wear us down so she can win!

I was told that the queen and king were almighty and probably could have wiped put all this instantly......however, Artemis mentioned in a conversation i overheard, that there was something interfering with the crystals they use, like something was jamming them per say.

All i know is, that if we don't figure out something fast, we will fall eventually.

My thoughts were cut off when that giant pig demon fell from the sky and plopped down on a crowd of demons. The slit mouthed woman would jump off and start slicing up demons, and a new one that i have never seen before, made of wires, would slither off the pigs back and starts skewering demons left and right.

"What the hell?!" I said out loud.

Everyone else was in shock too.

I would then see a familiar face stand up on top of the hog's back and greet me.

"WITCH DOCTOR KYUBI?!?!" Me, My sister and mother exclaimed in shock.

"Greetings my favorite family patients! How have you been?" She said casually.

"NO! EXPLAIN!!" i demanded as i pointed at the demon generals.

"Oh them? They're under my control." She said, wagging her flip phone.

"In an era of smart phones, you chose a flip phone......and the most notoriously worst model known to man...." kat said flatly.

"The Pandatech C3 is still in, i have you know!!" Kyubi protested.

"The Pandatech C3 was 'in' back in the early nineties.....and even then, it was short lived." Sis said flatly.

"Oo! I think i seen one in a bargain bin on the way to the castle for like less than seven hundred yen!" I said, keeping up the smack talk about her phone.

"You two are suckers on your next visit to the clinic!" Kyubi said, pointing at us.

"Awwwww but you get the gourmet ones!!" We both whined.

"Nope!" She said.

"Hey dingle berries, we're in the middle of a frickin war!" Sven shouted.

"Oh, right. I shall aid you in full, for i am the magnificent onyx witch!" Kyubi said while striking a pose.

"Just do some magic shit already....." i said flatly.

"What makes her soooo magnificent?" Moro said snarkily.

"I'm glad you asked!" Kyubi said taking a deep breath.

"NO!!" both me and kat shouted.

"Awwww...." kyubi said, sounding sad.

Several massive ice glaciers were formed, freezing several demons solid in the massive mounds of ice.

"Big brother, what do we do??" Said hikaru as she slid down a glacier and to me.

"If we keep attacking like this, I'm gonna pass out...." xylu said, panting.

I would look up to Pandora at the top of the tower. She was just standing there casually, smiling as if she's doing nothing wrong, let alone caring about what she's doing and the consequences. I knew deep down that i didn't need to go in by myself and take care of her, but....she's giving me no choice. I have to go in and fight her one on one. We need everyone out here to keep the demons at bay, but if its just me, its still manageable.

If i don't do it.....
Then we'll eventually run out of steam.....
And then be devoured.....
And I'd hate to imagine what Pandora will do to me.....

I gestured to kyubi to hop down to me and that she did.

I leaned in towards her.

"I need you to make a path for me...." i said in a low voice.

"Are you mad?" She replied.

"There's no time to argue. I did this and I'm going to fix this....."

"You have a burden of responsibility and you wish to face your consequences head on in order to make it right for everyone're both foolish and brave...consider it done! Just remember your appointment next week, it is flu season after all!" She said with a wink.

"Thank you..." i said with a smile.

With her device, she commanded her demons. I don't know how it works, but i seen the kaimaitachi summoned and the slit mouthed woman coming to her aid, they would then carve a path through the demon army, leaving a path wide enough for me to go through.

I wasted no time and sprinted down the path to the doors ahead.

"What are you doing you idiot?!" Moro screamed at me.

"San!!" Venus cried.

"Don't be foolish, young captain!" Shouted teguma.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Sis shouted.

Before i knew it, i was through the doors and they have slammed shut behind me.

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