chapter 38: Kamaitachi beat down

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The three weasels would look at me with toothy smiles as they began to float.

"Lets chop up our meal so we can eat on the go brothers!" One said to the other two.

"Yes yes, great idea!" Another said.

They would then fly in circular motions, getting faster and faster, before they became a blurry cyclone. The corpse would be quickly sucked into the vortex and the sounds of slicing of meat and the splattering of blood were heard.

I was absolutely livid at this point. So livid, that moro didn't dare say a word behind me. He knew shit was about to go down.

When they finished, they bagged up the body bits into the same bag the young man was using.

"Now to nab you-" said a weasel before i zipped over there with my aural speed technique and promptly kicked the bastard into the wall across the street, making a satisfying splat sound as he slid to the ground.

"Brother-" said another, before i grabbed him by the throat and slammed him over and over into the alleyway wall, before slinging the vermin through a nearby window.

The last one shook in fear, before i grabbed it and threw it in a nearby wall, hard.

I'd then pick up the bag, feeling even worse than before. Like everything that i felt moments ago was thrown out the window. When will it end?

The three would pick themselves up, growling. They'd then regroup a few feet from me.

"Hey whats the big idea?!" One snarled.

"Yeah! We didn't attack you!" Said another.

"You desecrated a body that we just had a mini funeral for." Said moro, from behind as he stepped to the left of me, spear in hand.

"Desecrated? Its just a corpse." Said a weasel.

"Y-yeah, the corpse of someone that was alive, y-you jerks!" Said xylu from the right of me.

"A corpse is just a corpse. Had we done it to an animal, you wouldn't have cared, but if we do it to a HUMAN corpse, oh now that's going too far!" Said a weasel.

"Yeah, even if it were an wild animal feasting on the corpse of a man, you'd just say 'oh its just nature!' So don't you dare treat us this way!" Said another.

"You don't care, cuz your demons....thats that." I said, coldly.

"Yeah you meanies!" Said daisuke, fluttering behind me.

"We can't kill you, but your friends are an exception!" Said a weasel as they started to fly in a rotational formation.

On closer examination, these things have sickles on their arms and itty bitty pouches of some sort of liquid it seemed.

"The Kamaitachi, they're fast demons that shred their prey and heal them as they do it so they feel the maximum amount of pain before they die! They're cruel vermin so watch out!" Moro said, charging his spear.

I suddenly didn't feel xylu's presence anymore. He was in the shadows again, just like at the school.

"Once we start, nobody can stop us!! Kyeheeheeheeheehee!!" Said a weasel.

There suddenly a black blur that whizzed past us and struck one of the weasels dead on and slammed it into a wall across the street.

"Are we a joke to you?!" Said another weasel as moronio threw his spear and impaled it, along with electrocuting it to death.

"Screw this! I'm outta he-" said the last one, before i grabbed it by the throat, lifted it to daisuke so she could sting it.

She'd sting it and then i drop kicked the little shit across the street into a trash can.

"......oh crap we gotta bail!" I shouted in realization to whats gonna happen next.

We would then book it out of there before the weasels would explode like the slit mouthed woman did. On the way, i picked up the CDs and CD player as i ran to keep at least something of the poor guy's belongings in tact so it didn't go to waste.

As we ran through the candy store and out to the other side, the implosion went off, but it wasn't just one this time, it was three of them one after another.

Once it was all said and done, the candy store was in shambles and destroyed beyond recognition.

Xylu would kneel down and scoop up some miscellaneous hard candies and put them in his pants pocket.

"Thank you guys for taking us there...." xylu said solemnly.

"Dai liked it alot....but didn't like what happened...." daisuke said sadly.

"Not a problem, things like this is happen whether we like it or not...." i said as i looked at the one of the scratched up CD cases.

"San...." moro said, patting my back.

Suddenly, i felt a presence behind me. Like an ferocious, gigantic beast from the feeling of the power they were giving off. Moro and Daisuke were ignorant of the presence, but Xylu definitely felt it, because he was shivering with his tail frizzled like a cat sensing danger and his ears folded back.

I'd slowly turn around, expecting the only be met with a girl around my age.

This wasn't an ordinary girl, it was a sailor senshi. To my knowledge, this was none other than sailor saturn. A woman of sheer power and destruction....all in a slim, petite body.

She was shorter than me, not a big surpise as i am taller than most Japanese folks, sported pitch black, short hair, and her had violet eyes. She wore a gentle smile and had an polite, respectful demeanor about her. However, due to me being supernaturally aware, i could see an intense, purple flame representation of her aura. She looked like a doll in appearance, but in a combat situation, she could probably destroy everything in a mere sweep.

"Are you mister San Manfred?" She said with a sweet tone

"Yes....why aren't you attacking us? With the power you're giving off, you could crush us in an instant." I asked, bluntly.

"What? No waaay." Moro said doubtfully.

He'd then do a double take, thought for a moment.

"Given she's a senshi actually, no doubt she would have. did you know?" Moro asked me.

"Ever since i awakened my powers, i can see things most can't. An aural outline if you will. It looks like semi-transparent flames if different colors, depending on the person. The more intense it looks, the more powerful they are." I explained in the best way i could.

"W-with me, i-i can sense e-energies like an instinct sorta t-thing..." xylu said, still scared out of his wits.

"Wow.....kinda scary that neither me or Daisuke can't see this stuff and you two can....well, San can." Moro said with a shrug, not too impressed.

"Dai doesn't like the idea of being unaware of things like this. It scares Dai!" Daisuke exclaimed.

"There's no reason to be afraid. I have come, on behalf of the royal family, to retrieve you." Saturn said.

"Why's that?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Your sister and mother asked us to. Your friends here will come as well for safe keeping. We have plenty of room and board to accommodate you all. Please don't resist." She asked politely.

"Are you kidding?! My mom and sis need me!" I exclaimed.

"It could be a trap." Moro pointed out.

"It's not, I give you my word as a senshi and servant to the royal family of crystal tokyo. This i swear...." Saturn said with a bow.

We all exchanged glances.

"San hasn't done us wrong as a leader, let's let him decide!" Daisuke said.

"He is reliable." Said Xylu.

"What's your call bud?" Moro said.

"I'm not a leader type." I protested.

"Not gonna get into that, just choose!" Moro snapped.

"Fine.....take us to the castle!" I said.

She nodded and lead the way......

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