chapter 39: Untrustworthy fiends

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As an artificer and witch, i feel so embarrassed.

Not only did the demons i summoned be defeated by some puny mortals and outcast aliens, but i planted a stupidly dangerous spell on each of them just to show off!

Ugh, how careless and a fool i am!

I'd hear an all too familiar rumbling in the distance, followed by two others. I'd look up and seen three implosions all in one area. I knew who those were, the weasel demons i summoned. Done in by those mortals again?!

I immediately flew towards that location and landed in the midst of the blast zones. Sure enough, there laid the three weasels, unconscious, but resurrected nonetheless.

Having enough of all this ridiculousness, i whacked all three of them in the side with my staff. They groaned and woke up.

"Uggggh what.....LADY NETHER!!" one screamed.

After that one screamed, the other two followed suit and lined up before me.

With my arms crossed and tapping my foot, i was clearly expressing my displeasure in their failure.

"Explain, how three weasels, capable of shredding a human to mush, was defeated so easily." I said coldly.

"We were taken by surpise! The target attacked us and threw us for a loop!" Said one.

"Yeah! He got all worked up over some man's corpse and trinkets!" Said another.

"Yes yes! And his friends came out and practically ambushed us!" Said the third one.

I angrily slapped a pillar of rubble with my staff and it fell over and crumbled. Upon the initial hit, the trio yelped in fear and shook as it fell over.

"You were screwing around and DID NOT FOCUS ON THE TARGET!!" I practically screamed in fury.

I then grabbed the trio by the throat and shook them back and forth.

"For-give-us! Ack! Ack!" They cried.


"We're.....sorry....lady won't happen again...." said one of the weasels.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"With a with black hair and a glaive...." said a weasel.

"Sailor Saturn.... curses....well, we'll just have to lure them out along with the target. Senshi won't sit idly by if something raises alarm....hmmm...." i said as i floated in the air and sat on a nearby pillar.

"What about the chimera demon?" One weasel piped up.

I shot him a look and he flinched.

"The chimera can't be trusted. He's a rogue per say.... he also has violent ties to the target." I stated as i thought about him.

"So....he might try his hand and attempt his revenge?" Said another.

"Precisely, and you know her majesty wants him alive. The chimera demon cannot be trusted!" I said.

"Awwww I'll be goooood." Spoke a familiar voice behind me.

"Speak of the devil.....grimmer." i said with disgust as i turned around to face him.

What was once an inarian man, is now a twisted abomination of various parts of other demons, merged into his body and flesh. Apparently, he had an experimental drug from an unknown assailant that had made his blood and body an ferocious parasite on death. Once the demons were done feasting on him, the demons who ingested his flesh and blood, all merged into one being with Grimmer's consciousness. With him technically being a demon, he serves pandora and I, however, i feel liek he's not completely under our control and he's retained his ulterior motives.

"Me? The devil? Kaaaahahahaha! I'm honored." He said with a wicked smile.

"By the way, where have you been?" I said with a scoff.

"I had a run in with one of those accursed senshi." He growled.

"Which one?" I asked.

"The one with the short, black hair...." he said with a growl.

"Her again.....she must have just dealt with you and arrived here shortly after. She just made off with the target." I explained.

"Ahhhhh young Sanny boy.....honestly, i don't see what Pandora sees in him. He doesn't look like her long lost lover at all, aside the hair color. He's wet behind the ears, a flawed person, a young man that still chases skirts. Why does she swear up and down he's him? Hmmmm?" Grimmer asked.

"I don't make the orders, i just aid in enforcing them. You'd be doing good to listen and obey those orders, chimera. You might can regenerate with a single drop of blood remaining, no doubt, but she and I can deal with you effortlessly, and make sure you stay six feet under.....are we clear?" I said sternly.

"Understood, but hear me out...." he said with a smile.

".....go on...."

"We lure them out by causing a ruckus. The yuuki onna girl has unintentionally caused a blizzard in one part, the teke teke has claimed her victims in the forest, and that wire thing has a famous castle....or was it mansion? He has that under his control..... i plan to cause a mass gathering of demons to craft a posing threat, that even the queen cannot ignore..... no doubt the boy will come out to "redeem his actions" and all that crap....he's very predictable." He explained.

"Even though he may be, the others aren't so predictable.......however, so long as he's alive and well, i care not about your methods. Just get the job done without harming the target. Understood?" I said with seriousness.

"Affirmative ma'am." He said with a bow.

I scoffed and turned away, hearing him fleeting away.

"For you three, i need you as scouts. Only as scouts, understood? Keep me in the know." I said as i removed the old runes on them and replaced them.

"Right!" The three said before skittering off into the dark.

Maybe we can finally regain control of things before too long....

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