Chapter 25: The Dark Artificer Nether

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It would seem the demons that I, Pandora, have summoned has immediately taken to focus on the consumption and feasting of human flesh, instead of the task I have asked of them. I will need someone of high caliber to get them in line.....

"you can do that...." said an familiar voice in my head.

"chaos? is that you?" i asked in my thoughts

"yes, there is a slumbering practitioner and scientist of magic. she is a wise, intelligent young woman, who tragically died to an act of not only sabotage, but in an act of religious hatred and "justice" if you will...." he spoke.

"so....a church sabotaged her work an killed her.." i said with disdain.

"yes...she was killed in an explosion instantly, said explosion burned her entire estate down to the ground...she would be ecstatic to serve you and perhaps make a work-around for these unruly demons...." he spoke.

"how do i summon her?" i asked.

a portal would then open up and a nude woman would float out of it and collapse on the floor. She had pale skin, almost grey-like, dark grey hair, and is average height by western standards. Her eyes would open as she awoken, revealing light crimson eyes.

"I'm....alive??" She said in confusion.

"Yes, chaos has brought you to me to aid in my search for my long lost love. The demons are out of my control and I need you to help regain that control. Do you think you could do that?" I asked.

She would stand up, then chant a spell. Suddenly, she was clothed in a grey sorceress sort of garb that closely resembled a long dress with deep pockets on the sides with yellow trimming around the cuffs and skirt of the dress. On her head was her tall, pointed grey hat sporting a rather wide brim, yellow trim, and having a dark purple gem at the end of it, seemingly merged with the hat's tip. Finally, in her hand was a wand, said wand had a black handle that leads up to a floral, leafy sort of hand guard, with an oval piece at the end of it that narrows towards the end. Said piece was golden with a dark purple gem insterted into it, the same gem that is on her hat's tip.

"Pardon the lack of clothing, when you die, you don't take those with you...i am a wielder of the dark arts, though i do call myself part alchemist and part artificer." She said with a bow.

"I business. You said you know of what you call, the dark arts. Please specify what you mean?" I asked.

"I can summon demons, not of mass proportions like this, but more powerful, more intelligent variety.....and since I'm already dead, itd be of no cost to me to do so." She explained.

A smile came across my face, she was the one that i knew would get the job done.

"Miss ......what was your name?"

"Nether.....if i were a demon, i wouldn't have a name." She said.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Well you see, a demon is created with no name by default. However, when given a name, it evolves into whatever the person perceives it as. If they fear them, they gain strength depending on the magnitude of the fear." She explained.

"I these beings you say you can summon....what are they specifically?"

"They are the urban legends of Japan. Teke Teke, slit mouthed name it. These are feared by the Japanese populace as well as worldwide due to stories passed down from generation to generation and through the internet. Videos, documentaries, fake footage, rumors...all of this generating the most fear out of mankind. I can attach this spell to the dark veil so it can automatically summon them. Further more, when it touches other lands, their legends come to life as well. All it needs, is your vocal orders and they will do as you say, as well as make the demons heed your orders through them, as they are....alpha demons, if you will." She explained in depth.

"Tell me....what do you want out of all this?" I asked out of curiosity.

"To continue my practices lady pandora. I was on the verge of a break-through.....that is, until i was killed by a band of neanderthals...." she said with an frustrated sigh.

"Very well, you attach your spell to the veil, and I'll grant you resources once you get everything rolling, as they call it." I said.

"Yes, lady pandora...."

After an hour or less of rising to where the "ceiling" of the veil was, she would begin her chanting. She would pull out a grimoire of sorts, open it up, and begin chanting in a foreign language. The grimoire glowed as it rose and as it's pages flipped wildly. Then several glowing circles formed on the veil, then lines began to branch out and weave themselves into a peculiar symbol. Black veins would suddenly shoot out from the symbol in all directions on the veil, when this happened i felt a burst of power before it calmed down. The symbol would then rythmatically pulsate like a heart beat and glow each time, this too i felt.

"It is done, lady pandora. Let us go into your chambers and welcome the new additions i promised you." She said.

I would nod as we descended to the main room we were just in.

Lo and behold, there they were. Several demons of urban legends.

The kuchisake-onna, a woman who terrorized the streets with her iconic, grotesque mouth and shears. Not only is she known for the legend itself, but she is also quite deadly and fast. This will greatly help in the efforts at hand.

Teke teke, a ghoulish young woman who is that, but an upper torso and has a scythe. Despite her being just half of a woman, she is known for being incredibly fast when she targets her prey. Perhaps her speed can aid in the search efforts greatly.

Aka Aoi Manto, more of a dare ritual sort of demon....that involves the bathroom, but nonetheless it is still a horror icon. He stood several feet tall, almost touching the ceiling of the room, and was nothing, but a man of wire and adorned in cloth of red and blue colors. He held a pulsating orb to his chest. I know not of what his skills may be, but I am confident that he could perhaps deal with the pesky senshi with ease.

Jorogumo, a half woman, half spider-like monster that preys on unassuming men and devours them. Her beauty and seductiveness could come in handy, but she had better not try anything with my love, otherwise....she will be destroyed in a heartbeat.

The Katakirauwa, what was once a soul thieving pig, that was the size of any pig or boar, it now gigantic and is of a beastly nature. Perhaps the works of my veil and miss Nether's magics. His brawn would definitely help in the efforts of finding my love.

And finally, a trio of Kamaitachi. These weasels are sleek and have razor sharp sickles on their arms, as well as razor sharp claws. They have been said to travel in dust clouds and target men, slicing and dicing them up while apply medicine to prevent bleeding out as they shred their prey at lightning speed.

"Great spirits of legend, i have chosen you for a special task. The demons of this plane will not listen to me. Their minds only want to feast on man instead of accomplishing the task given to them. That task being, finding the reincarnation of my long lost love. Get them under your control, find my love, and i shall reward you with your own domain or whatever you desire. All i want is for me and him to be united at last and to live our days happily, no matter how many must perish to achieve that. I must remain here to keep the spell going and to help gain new allies as the dark veil you understand?" I asked.

They all knelt and bowed in response.

Things are finally starting to look up for love.....i will find you, and guide you to way or another.....

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