Chapter 22: Return To The City- R

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Crossing over to the other side of the fog was kinda surreal. On one side, its sunny with the sounds of birds and peacefulness. On the other, its flames, demonic growth on buildings and stuff, and carnage.

Sven popped out of a nearby large drain pipe and waved at me. I'd check my surroundings before walking over to him

"Are you....the same San I met before?" He said looking me over.

"I did training at my mom's village..... Also killed a racist, psychopath, raging fox guy the size of a giant. " I said casually.

"Ah, that explains the bit of a tone up and strong power coming from ya. It's good to have you back man." He said with a light chuckle.

"Yeah, same here.....anything happen while i was gone?" I asked.

"Other than the fog border expanding quite a bit. Before, it barely touched the ravine we crossed. Now, there's a good several feet of ground on the other side of it." He said, pointing at it.

"No wonder i didn't fall in when i stepped through....knew something was off...." i said.

Just then, some wolf-looking demons were prowling the area above the ravine. They snarled and sniffed the air.

"They've been patrolling this area for a while. Buncha meat heads if ya ask me. They're wolf demons, might as well think of em as werewolf incarnates, cept these don't need the moon..." Sven said.

"Damn, i just learned how to punch with my powers. I don't know how to do anything else yet."

"Didn' say you trained?"

"Yeah, but not my powers, just my body. The powers are a new thing."

"Bruh, you're killing me here...."

"Well, maybe they haven't sensed us and will pass by!"

"Dude.....they're WOLVES they probably already smelled your scent and probably why they're nearby!"

Sure enough, he was right. They not only smelt me, but heard us and is looking straight at us.

"Ahhhh a human and a weaker demon.... Heheheheh its dinner time boys! " he said as the other howled with him.

They charged at us, full sprint with fangs exposed and on all fours.

Sven would light one of his whisper wood thingies, take a deep breath, then created a giant smokey fist, hitting a few of the wolfs who didn't dodge the fist. The ones that were hit, were sent tumbling on the ground, yelping in pain. The others that weren't hit by his attack came at me.

Even though i did military training and such by that lunatic, Grimmer, i still feel greatly unprepared for this. See, when i was younger, me and my sister took a karate class that taught "the way of the fox". The style is based on swift movement, deception, and countering essentially. It seems simple, but observation, thought, planning, and reaction is the bulk of it. So its got some complexity to it.

One demon wolf swiped at my right. I would deflect it with a palm strike, then struck the elbow inward, snapping its arm. While it howled in pain and held its arm, i channeled my aura to my right leg and foot, then delivered a powerful kick to its abdomen, sending it flying.

Two more came at me, however, one stood out from the pack far from the two. It had a scar on its face and was definitely the alpha. The ones that came at me would pounce, but i slid under them and used the momentum to get to my feet. Id channel my aura to my legs to run up to the alpha before the others could realize what happened and gang up on me.

As i got closer, the two were on my tail almost immediately. Sven somehow knew what i was aiming to do and took initiative, by launching a barrage of smokey projectiles, cutting off my pursuers. While he was engaged with them, i continued my run for the alpha.

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