Chapter 4: The Cursed Jar R

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It was day two and already things have been strange. The vase I brought home seems to give off an ominous vibe. When I clean it, my rags I use to do so, turn black but the vase looks the same. No matter how many times I wash the rags, they remain black and Kat chews my ass out then makes me replace them. I was tempted to open it, to clean it from the inside but, I'm always compelled not to. I look up online about all this strange phenomenon, but my internet keeps messing up. I called Kat and Kikko into to investigate this thing.

Kat turned it, thumped it, shook it, and even turned it upside down. I was afraid the contents would spill, but the lid never budged. The black residue got on her shirt sleeves a bit, but not her hands. It was all strange and otherworldly. Kikko tried to do the rag thing I did, same results as before.

"Geezus!! This damned thing won't budge and it keeps messing up my good rags!! Ugggghhh I'm so mad!!" Kat said angrily.

"Chill out sis, you're letting an inanimate object get the better of you" I said.

"Know what? Sell the damned thing!!" Kat said.

"But wouldn't that just put someone else in danger dear? " kikko said.

"Ugggh you're right, it's just this thing gives me the frickin creeps. It's just sitting there ominously, unbreakable, and it turns cloth to black. I'm just getting really bad vibes here" kat said shivering a bit.

"Hmmm perhaps bringing it here was a bad idea....." I said.

"Ya think ya dumbass?! Who in the it right mind brings home a cursed jar?!"

"I collect oddities like that sis!!"

"Yea, but not frickin cursed shit!"

"Know what? I'll return it tomorrow or something alright??"

"You better or I'll kick your ass! "

"Bring it mutt!"

We were both smacked on the back of the head by kikko's water tendrils.

"Alright knock it off you two, or I'll get involved.... " kikko said

"Yes ma'am..... " me and kat said.

The damn vase wouldn't budge at all. I whacked it with a hammer, no crack or chip. Kat ran it over with her bike, but almost killed herself doing so.....wasn't our brightest idea. We dropped it, but it bounced a bit and didn't break. We set it on fire, but it didn't burn. It was sheerly indestructible, and with each attempt we became more and more scared of it.

"W-we just n-need to return it! " kat said in a scared voice.

"To where?! Its all ruins now! " I shouted.

"We can't keep it here! It's pure evil and... Aaaand.... "

I put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down a bit.

"Look, I'll throw it away in the morning before the trash people come pick it up and we can forget all about it! Nothing to freak out over, it's just a sturdy, well made vase. That's alllll it isssss. Relax kat, it's all fiiiiine" I said in a calming tone.

She regained composure and returned to her cool self.

"Ya know what? It's just dumb jar! Nothing to worry about at all! Haha! And if you don't throw it out, heh, I'll throw you in the river!! Got it?! "

"Y-y-yes! "

"Good!....... Now box it up or something so I don't have to see it! " she said as both her and kikko left the room. Kikko sighing as she followed behind.

Later that evening, I wrapped it in several layers of paper, taped the heck out of it, and even boxed it just so I didn't have to look at it. I then pushed it into a corner out of sight and out if mind. I told kat later, that I did as she told me to do and pushed it out of sight.

"Hey, ya ever tried ramen before? " she asked from downstairs, as I was in my wheely chair looking over the railing at her.

"You mean the poor man's meal? "

"Nonono, I mean REAL ramen"

".....gotta explain a bit better than that"

"OK, me and kikko went to the store, right? I bought us some authentic noodles for it, along with meat and veggies to throw in it. Basically instead of it being in a foam cup or in a brick, it's freshly made noodles and stuff. Kicks instant ramen in the ass any day, want some?"

"Mmmmmmm that sounds goooood! "

"Alrighty then, supper will be done in about.... Ehhhhh ten, maybe fifteen minutes. " she said as she went into the kitchen.

I rolled back into my room and resumed gaming as usual on my computer. As I played, I noticed a strange pop up that would frequently occur. It'd say things like "open the box to destiny" or "unlock the way to your dreams" but, it would always have that damned jar in each and every single pop up. I knew it was cursed now, and wanted me to open it really badly. I would click the X on each pop up as they appeared, but became more frequent, and trying my patience. I eventually had enough and just shut down the computer, but then it went to my phone.

"Open know you want to....."

"Its fate......accept it...."

"Its just a few steps away......your curious about what's inside....."

"Great treasure lies inside......all you have to do is open the jar...."

My phone kept spouting these texts and voicemails, as I took out the batteries and threw the remains on the bed. The jar in the corner had an ominous air about it now, and it wasn't letting up.

"I AM NOT OPENING YOU!!" I screamed at it before picking it up.

However, i heard something open and my heart sank. I looked down at my hand and there it was... The lid... To the jar. I'd look down in horror to see it open. The black abyss on the inside.... It looked endless and forboding during those last few seconds.

I had every intention of throwing it out, but somehow it tricked me into grabbing it lid first. Of course, the force and grip of grabbing ahold the lid opened it. The last things I heard before everything going black, was the ceramic lid popping open, and a loud whooshing sound.......

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