chapter 34: noble or folly?

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When we made our way to the exit, there were a set of stairs we would have to take to get to the ground floor. We were on the third floor, somehow. Luckily, these set of stairs were a stairwell, which means we can just take several flights of stairs to get to the ground level quickly.

Almost as soon as we put one foot down on the first step, we would all divert our attention to a sound of dread. The sound of something metallic being dragged on the ground further down the halls. It was her, and she was furious.

"Go! I'll buy you guys some time!" I exclaimed as i turned to head towards the sound.

"What?! No! You're injured and have nerve damage!" Moro shouted.

"Look, she's after me, not you. There's literally no reason for you guys to stick your neck out for me! You can escape and find shelter somewhere, I'll be fine!" I shouted back.

"Are you stupid?! She'll snatch you up and take you to her leader!" Moro shouted back.

"This isn't up for debate moron-io!" I shouted back.

We would both growl before daisuke tugged on moro's hood.

"Dai scared...." she said shivering.

Moro would look at her, his aggressive looks fading.

"L-lets get outta here moro. O-once me and daisuke get out of this creepy school, you can go back for san.....please moronio?" Xylu asked.

Time was drawing short as the sounds got closer. Moro would growl a bit before going with the two to the entrance below.

I would race towards the sound to intercept the slit mouthed woman down the hall. Sure enough, she was, but a stone throw away from the stairwell. Had we argued any longer, she would be baring down on them.

" come to me instead of running....." she said with a seething growl.

"Yeah, i can't let ya lay a finger on em. They're innocent bystanders." I said cool and collected.

She eyed up my arm, then looked at me.

"You reattached your arm. Quite a remarkable feat i must say...." she said with a raised brow.

"Yeah, wasn't that hard." I said in a cocky manner. I have to make her believe that my arm is one hundred percent okay. If she finds out about the nerve damage, it would expose a weakness for her to exploit.

"Don't force my hand, boy. Just come quietly and be united with your love-"

"SHE IS NOT MY LOVE!! I'm a single, virgin, loser that has never had an inkling of a chance with women since day one! Then here you are, stating that this psycho chick wants me and I'm just supposed to roll over and be her's without a say or choice?! Hell no! She just sounds like an entitled brat that thinks she can get whatever she wants in the name of murder and destruction!" I said, getting in a fighting stance. I was mad and not going anywhere without a fight.

I could see her visibly shaking with anger, her teeth clenched and gritting, her hand gripped on her shears. She would suddenly plunge the shears through the wall out of absolute fury.

"I didn't ask, I didn't say you had a say, AND I DIDN'T SAY YOU HAD THE RIGHT TO SAY NO!! I SAID, YOU'RE COMING WITH ME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, YOU BASTARD!!" she practically screamed as she yanked the shears out of the wall.

"You didn't even say that!" I pointed out.

She would go quiet, before shrieking out of pure fury.


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