chapter 62: dire situation

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I sat at the edge of the hospital bed, staring at my hand and arm. My forearm was apparently fractured, so the surge of pain i felt when i lifted rei onto my shoulders was the bone fragments shifting. That man did more to my arm than i realized....either that, or my arm was fractured from the fall prior to him showing up.

From the diagnosis I've overheard, we all are pretty banged up. Daisuke is suffering a concussion and some fractures. Moro is suffering fractures and some internal injuries. Xylu is suffering several lacerations and gashes, as well as fractures too.

Rei, however, had the worst of it all. She had broken ribs and bones from where the rebarb poles punctured her body, as well as internal bleeding along with the external bleeding. It was a miracle she lived at all, but she's in critical condition nonetheless.....

Ami would walk in, looking tired and exhausted. Poor girl's been run ragged.

"Now to see about your injuries." She said, walking up to me.

"Nah, i just need an energy drink or something to heal myself and I'm good!" I said.

She shot me a look, then chopped me in the head with her clipboard.

"Ow!!" I yelped.

"I heard of the stupid stunt you pulled! You almost killed one of my closest friends!" She yelled.

"I know i know! I'm still messed up over it!"

"Messed up?!"

I winced, readying myself for another whack.

"You have to take your position more seriously! With you just shrugging this injury so easily and casually, it seems like you're not taking any of this seriously!" She said with a huff.

She doesn't seem the type to get angry, and i somehow got her to that point real quickly. Talk about doing an "anger the sweetest girl" speedrun challenge.

"I....i apologize....i wasn't using my head...." i said sincerely.

"Sorry i lost my temper.....this is the first time I've seen Rei like this. Even though she is hot headed with a short fuse, she and i go way fact, we all do. It felt like yesterday that we would go to the local arcade together and hang out like most schoolgirls did." She said, solemnly.

"Imagine arcades being a thing again...."

"Oh? You don't have those in the US?"

"Heh, no. That would be too much fun and would probably have games too pricey to play! Hahaha!" I said with a smile.

"We have a few here, well....before all this. They are fairly cheap to play! Its fun stuff!" She said with a smile.

"So....about that drink...." i asked.

She delivered an exasperated, deep sigh before giving a long pause.

"What flavor?" She finally said after a moment.

"Anything you pick, so long as it's something not gross sounding." I asked, trying not to sound demanding or picky.

"Very well, just stay on that bed for me, okay?" She said, looking back at me with a sweet smile.

"Yes, of course!" I said with a blush.

Doctor Ami would then walk out of the room.

As soon as she left, i began to self examine myself metaphorically....

I can channel my energy for strength, healing, and defense.....however, i have two weaknesses that i need to overcome.

One, is stamina consumption. Just using my powers to heal myself, takes quite a bit outta me. Hell, using my powers in general is draining.

Another, is that i can only channel to one part of my body at a time. Along with stamina consumption, i need to eventually be able to utilize my whole body to be stronger. That would take an enormous amount of energy to pull off will i do it-

I suddenly lost track of thought as an energy drink was handed to me by a smiling Ami. I can't read Japanese, but judging by the smiling variety of fruit, it's probably fruit punch.

"Thanks!" I said, smiling as i cracked it open and took a sip. Yup, fruit punch.

"There's one general left, but for some odd reason, we had his location....but then we lost it. Like he disappeared....come to think of it, I've noticed something odd....." she said with her arms crossed.

I rose an eyebrow while i was taking another sip and healing myself, using the initial buzz from the caffeine.

"When targets are eliminated on our map, the enemy marker turns black. If they're unconscious, the marker turns green. When alive and active, yellow. Each general you all have defeated, has turned green on the map and slowly turned black....however, they would suddenly turn yellow and vanish. The kuchisake-onna-"

"So that's how you pronounce iiiiit."

"Yes, anyways, the kuchisake-onna turned from green, to black....then would turn yellow and stayed yellow. This indicated that there was revival at play. The same happened to the weasels, which was how we were able to track you all, moro, daisuke, and xylu."

I took another sip and set the can down.

"So....they're being revived for a split second, and then taken somewhere?"

She nodded.

"Great, we have so many downed already and now an anomaly is much weirder can the veil get?" I said, hypothetically.

"Who knows? The dark veil itself is an anomaly all together. It has chaotic energies swirling in it." She said, looking out the window.

"......i will fix all of this...."

She looked at me with a smile.

"We know you can, but don't think you'll be alone."

I nodded and smiled in return.

"Thank you, ladies."

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