Chapter 1

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Charlies P.O.V.

The alarm goes off signaling the start of the day. The annoying part is that it is on Ava's side of the bed, and she doesn't hear it going off.  I nudge her to wake her up so she can turn the stupid thing off. She barley stirs, so I try using our mind link. 'Ava, wake up and turn off the alarm please.' She groans, but reluctantly rolls over and turns it off. We exchange good mornings and start our day.

We get up, make our bed, shower, ya know, all the normal morning stuff. Now I know what you are thinking, why do we share a bed? Well, we live in the pack orphanage. Our mother died while giving birth to us, the same day that our father died during a rouge attack. Talk about a traumatic entrance into life. Once our morning routine is complete, we head downstairs to breakfast where Miss Franny is already feeding the younger kids. She tells us good morning and we bow in respect. We head to the breakfast line that is slowly filling with all the wolves coming down before school. I open the link 'What is for breakfast?'  'I put some strawberries and whip on your waffles just like you like it, fruit salad, but I picked out the melon pieces for you, and coffee with extra cream just how you like it.' Ava links back. I can sense her pride, even though she has been making my plates for me since we were old enough to make them on our own. 'Thank you' 'You're welcome.'

I hate school so much. You'd think that after seventeen years of us living and going to school in this pack they'd get some teachers who can teach my sister and I, or make even the smallest bit of accommodations. But no, nobody in this pack gives a damn about us, except Miss Franny. So we end up with situations like this where I can't hear anything the teacher is saying, and Ava can't see anything he is saying, so neither of us can learn anything. I never understood why we became the pack outcasts. We didn't ask to be born this way, in fact we question the Moon Goddess about it every night. 

Let me inform you about what I'm talking about in case nothing has made sense up to this point. Ava and I are twin sisters, but not just any twins, we are conjoined twins. Twins in general are super rare in the werewolf community because even as fetuses we are much larger than normal human fetuses, but having us be conjoined is completely unheard of. We are literally the ONLY set of conjoined twins in the werewolf world. We have our own heads and bodies, but we are connected by a decent piece of our skulls. Plus, to top of already being "freaks" I am blind, and Ava is deaf. So we keep our link open constantly unless we are asleep. That way, through the link I can see the world, and Ava and hear things going on around her.

Anyway, back to this terrible class. I think we are in math and learning about statistics? I can not wait until our birthday so we can leave this whole stupid place behind us. 'That's if we live past midnight that night' Ava reminds me 'Yea, if"

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