Chapter 42

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Liam's P.O.V.

"I know I lifted bedrest but seriously Alpha?" the doctor says when he goes to examine Ava's stiches and sees her mark. I growl at the doctor, "It's none of your concern. I didn't cause any damage to her stitches and you said her bones were healed." The doctor chuckles as he pats Ava's shoulder and gives her a thumbs up. Ava being oblivious to the conversation since she can't hear it smiles at the doctor and waits for Charlie to sign what he says. He examines Charlie and he seems happy with her stiches as well. "Remarkable, they are fully recovered. Their stiches are completely dissolved and I give them a full clear" Yes! That is exactly what Oli and I wanted to hear. We have planned a surprise vacation if they got the full clear early. "Thank you doctor." I say grabbing Ava by the hand and leading her to the car. "So no more doctor visits?" Ava asks when she is seated in the passenger seat, Oli and Charlie sitting in the back. I shake my head at her. Her eyes light up, "We should celebrate!" I look at Oli knowing Charlie heard that. He tells her what I tell Ava through our link, 'It's funny you say that. When the doctor said you were healing faster than he thought Oli and I started planning a surprise vacation' 'Really! Where?' 'Now now, that would ruin the surprise' I watch her pout but it only lasted a second.


Oli's P.O.V.

"We should celebrate!" Ava shouts from her spot in the front seat. Liam shoots me the look and I know it's time to tell Charlie about the vacation we have been planning for this exact reason. "It's funny she says that, Liam and I have been planning this surprise vacation" She whips in her seat to look at me, "Seriously? A vacation? Where too?" "Well I can't tell you that, it would ruin the surprise silly, but I promise it will be nice. And bring a swim suit" She rolls her eyes, I know she said she isn't a big fan of warm weather, but I am hoping the water makes up for it. It will be nice to get away just the four of us. We were going to do separate vacations, but we figured they would have more fun if their sister was with them. "Charlie we are going on vacation!" Ava says turning around in her seat to look at her sister. Charlie signs something to her and Ava replies with, "Oh stop it." while chuckling. "What did you say to her?" I wonder "I said 'can't wait to drown'" This startles me, I look at Liam wondering if he heard and he did. "Charlie? Can you and Ava not swim?" I ask her. "Nope, when were we supposed to learn? We were freaks remember? Our normal school teachers barely taught us, you expected a swim coach too?" I know she is trying to act like it doesn't bother her, but she is my mate and I can feel her hurt as she talks about her old life. I pull her closer to me and kiss her hair. I swear when Liam goes back to that pack it is going to take everything in me to not rip every head off.

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