Chapter 10

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Oli's P.O.V.

I was able to track down some boxes for the girls, courtesy of the woman who runs this place. Thankfully I was able to catch her in the kitchen making some bottles. Anyway, I knock on the door to the twins room before entering. "Found you some boxes." I say cheerfully, plopping them on the bed. Ava continues to fold their things in the dresser, and Charlie barley gets out a "thanks" without looking my direction. Oh Goddess, these two are still fighting. Liam and I both have siblings, but I don't think either of us have seen a fight this intense before. I was going to offer up a joke to lighten the mood, but right as I was going to... 'Ceremony, NOW.' Oh shit, what is he going to do? "Well, I am going to go find Alpha Liam, be back soon." I get nothing from either of them, not even Ava. Weird. I quickly and quietly rush out of the orphanage and to the ceremony site. I spot Liam instantly, kinda hard to miss an extremely pissed off six foot tall Alpha. Oh Goddess! I rush over to his side, but I can't even get a word out, because he is bee-lining straight for the former Luna. What the hell?

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Everything in the clearing stops. The music comes to a scratching halt, kind of like it does in the movies, and all eyes are now looking at my pissed off Alpha. The Luna barely even bats an eye, is this bitch suicidal? "Excuse me Alpha Liam, but you are in my pack, and I would appreciate-" "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH RIGHT NOW!" Her eyes widen, while Liam's are completely black. Ohhhhh no. Liam is not in control, he let Ethan out, this is soooooo not good. One of the Elders approaches Liam, "Alpha Liam, what is the meaning of this? This is the second time you have had an outburst at this ceremony." "Well Elder Zokar, my outbursts have been justified considering how this BITCH treats our mates." Whoa. Wait a minute, what did I miss? I was there for the first out burst, but normally once Liam walks away from something he plans on how to get even, not explode again. What happened now? "Ethan, I need Liam to take back control please. I need to know what you two have discovered about our mates." I beg Ethan. Everyone watches as Liam's eyes change back to brown, meaning he is in control. "What I found out was that she left our mates for dead! The night they were born their mother died. So did their father. This BITCH was so furious that she lost her 'best friend' that instead of raising her 'best friends' children like any best friend would have done, she demanded the pack doctor dump them in the orphanage. Then she demanded that they were not to be given a single drop of medicine, EVER! That if they were to survive it had to be on their own." WHAT! "And this pack doctors just went through with that!?!?!?!" "He didn't have much of a choice O, because this unfit former Luna threatened to banish his family if he ever disobeyed her orders or even discussed it with anyone."

Every single member in this pack wore a look of shock, even the Luna's husband. "Lillian, is that true? You told me you followed protocol with those girls. They were Ava and Charlies kids. Ava was our head tracker, Charlie was head warrior. Why would you do this to them?" "BECAUSE THEY KILLED HER ADAM! They are an abomination! They weren't supposed to be born. Ava would still be here if not for them!" Screams the Luna. So the twins were named after their parents, sweet. "That doesn't mean you deny a pack member medical treatment. Is that why you wanted the new pack hospital built on the other side of the clearing? To deny them care?" The Elders have begun to form a circle to discuss all the information they are getting. Meanwhile, the former Luna does not reply to her husband. "Mom, how could you do that?" Alpha Jason questions. Again, this woman says nothing. She really is suicidal. Liam is going to rip her limb from limb when he takes this territory. "Enough! The Elders have decided," Elder Zokar begins, oh shit this can't be good for her, that was fucking fast, "Lillian of the Crescent Moon Pack, you are herby sentenced to seventeen years in the maximum security prison at Elder headquarters. You will receive minimum health care, and only allowed one and a half meals a day." I personally would've asked for a harsher punishment, but I'm not the one she wronged, the twins are. Liam however, is not happy with her "light" punishment, but he can't argue with the Elders. Luna Lillian throws pleading glances at her son and husband to fight the decision of the Elders and to keep her here, but neither of them look at her. She is cuffed in wolfsbane infused cuffs and taken to her new "home" of seventeen years.  Liam and I turn to Alpha Jason, "I apologize for how this night turned out for you." Before he could respond, Liam chimed in with, "We'll be in touch." And he began walking away, pulling me with so I could not say another word.

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